Former President Chen Shui -bang's new book Chen Shui -bian's interview will be held on February 20 at the Taipei International Book Fair on February 20.This book will reveal the secrets of Taiwan's fourth nuclear power plant (nuclear 4) suspension of construction and his re -election process.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency reported that Chen Yishen, the director of the National History Museum in Taiwan, explained in the new book that the Taipei City Literature Museum has published insistence in the past -Chen Shui -bian's oral interview memoirs, which is published with the National History Museum President Chen Shui -bian published by the National History MuseumThe biggest difference between the interview is that it is simple and detailed.

Chen Yishen introduced that the interview published by the National History Museum was recorded in the carpet -style oral survey of Chen Shui -bian's life at all stages of life. From childhood experience, the memories of the sons of the third -level poor households to the study of school, Corresponding to the Tainan County Mayor, Legislative Member, Mayor of Taipei, and President, etc., have been reviewed in all stages of life.

Chen Yishen pointed out that the National History Museum visited Abian in two stages. The former museum commander Wu Micha used a total of 21 interviews from March 2017 to January 2018;From July 2022 to June 2023, 25 interviews were held. A total of 46 interviews and about 600,000 words were interviewed. The President Chen Shui -bian interviewed a set of four volumes.

The interview with President Chen Shui -bian is divided into four volumes of "from studying to politics", "from legislators to mayor", "first political party rotation", "reversing and re -election", Popular party rotation, internal government defense, financial industry industry, foreign economic and trade and many other national political decisions.

Chen Yishen said that the wonderful focus of this book is that Chen Shui -bian still built a lot in the face of the big situation in the small field in the eight years of his office. Why did he say "four different" when he took office?How pressure is the pressure of Washington and Beijing?What is the distress of Nuclear IV from stopping to continuing construction?The "two bullets" storm of re -election.Why did you deal with the Chiang Kai -shek Memorial Hall in 2007?Why did the two Jiangs move the five -finger Shan and Taiwan Army Cemetery?Finally, in 2008, the "Four King of Heaven" (Lu Xiulian, You Xizheng, Su Zhenchang and Xie Changting), which was renamed the former Democratic Progressive Party in 2008. Chen Shui -bian must answer questions.