After the South Pacific Island State Naturu decided to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan, the former foreign minister Lin Yongle, a former foreign minister, pointed out on Wednesday (January 17) that Taiwan's diplomatic countries will not return to zero;Challenges will inevitably increase, and at present, there is no basis for the new presidential election Lai Qingde to talk to Beijing.

Lin Yongle is a senior diplomat in Taiwan. He once served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Ma Ying -jeou government. After the rotation of the party in 2016, he was still reused by the DPP government and served as a representative in the UK. He retired in July 2020. He is currently in Taiwan.President of Foreign Relations Association.

He attended the symposium hosted by the Yu Jizhong Foundation on Wednesday, When deciding to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan , Taiwan now has to consider what to do in the future. How to maintain the existing 12 diplomatic relations is also an important challenge for Taiwan in the future.

After the transmission of diplomatic relations, many Taiwan public opinion once again discussed whether the state diplomatic country is important and whether the Taiwan diplomatic country is zero.

Lin Yongle pointed out that for Taiwan, the diplomatic country is very important. "Today we (Taiwan) has a close relationship with the United States, and the relationship with the ASEAN (Asia Gyan) is more closely, or the relationship with the European Union is closeThey still have not regarded us as a normal country. "

He emphasized that "only the diplomatic country really acknowledges that we are a country."

Lin Yongle also mentioned that although Taiwan's expansion of international space needs to depend on the country's cooperation with the United States and other concepts, But if cross -strait relations cannot be eased, Taiwan's diplomacy will face many challenges .

He believes that the President of the Democratic Progressive Party There are anti -China tone , and also specifically mentioned that it is necessary to maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and under the premise of peer dignity, to exchange the enclosure and use dialogue to replace the confrontation.Can't see a dialogue foundation.

Lin Yongle said, especially under the persistence of the United States, he does not think that the cross -strait will be unified in the future, and Taiwan will not announce independence.Therefore, he believes that Taiwan should think about how to establish a stable pairing against the United States, Japan, and cross -strait relations under the competition between China and the United States. This is Taiwan's diplomatic road.

Chen Wenqian, a senior Taiwanese media person who also attended the discussion, also mentioned that although the nationalism in mainland China has risen, the goal is to stand up again.But now , "He will not fight for a fight a one to fight a one of the otherYour Taiwan, the price of China collapsed. "

Chen Wenqian, a senior media person in Taiwan, believes that mainland China is now in severe economic problems and cannot attack Taiwan in the short term.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

Therefore, she also believes that Beijing will not hit Taiwan in a short time.But force threats will continue to increase .

In addition, Chen Wenqian also mentioned that the impact of the November Presidential election on the November of the United States on the overall situation of Taiwan is probably far more than Taiwan.Especially Taiwan will go to isolation again.Facing great risks.

But Lin Yongle believes that this time The Taiwan shows that the US policy on Taiwan basically has a two -party consensus. Therefore, no matter which party victory in the future, Taiwan -US relations should still be among a stable structure.