The Taiwan election was just ended on January 13th, and the DPP candidate Lai Qingde was elected less than 48 hours. President Kuiru of the Pacific Island Guolu Announces that it will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan today, and will restore diplomatic relations with mainland China.

When Tsai Ing -wen, who also belonged to the Democratic Progressive Party, won in the presidential election in January 2016, the number of Taiwan diplomatic relations was still stable at first. Until December of the same year, Cai Yingwen and the then American elected president Trump's ordinary phone, and lost the diplomatic relations.San Domeam Princes.In contrast, Lai Qingde was just elected, and he immediately lost a diplomatic country before he was in office.

How do cross -strait experts and scholars think of this act of being assaulted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Foreign Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?What strategy will mainland China take next?