Mainland China Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that the Taiwan issue is still the most important, most sensitive, and explosive problem of Sino -US relations.Task.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng delivered a speech at the 45th anniversary of the China -US establishment of diplomatic relations in the Embassy on Tuesday (January 16) and the 2024 New Year admissions conference.

Xie Feng said that the Black paper of China and the United States was clearly pointed out that the United States of America recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the only legal government in China.Within this scope, the American people will maintain culture, business and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.

He said that the Taiwan issue is still the most important, sensitive, and explosive problem in Sino -US relations.Maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is the most in line with the interests of China and the United States. The three joint communiqués of China and the United States are the most important "guardrails" and curb the "Taiwan independence" roots.

Xie Feng emphasized that no matter how the situation in Taiwan changes, it is impossible to change the basic facts of only one China and Taiwan in the world.

Talking about Sino -US relations, Xie Feng said that Sino -US relations have once again standing at a new historical starting point, which has ushered in rare opportunities and facing complex challenges.Do not forget the original intention, conform to the general trend, learn from historical experience, the future of human beings, and the well -being of the people, and promote Sino -US relations.

He said that the top priority of Sino -US relations is to follow up and implement the important consensus of the San Francisco meeting of the heads of state of the two countries, so that the "San Francisco Vision" is based on reality.To learn from historical lessons, "the iron curtain of the Cold War has fallen again, McCarthy's ghost resurrection, and the tragedy of Obonheimer's tragedy", opposes the exaggeration of national security, the politicalization of economic and trade science and technology, the demonization of humanistic exchanges, the mutual dependent weapons,Essence