Taiwan's Kuomintang in the wild defeated in the presidential election. The party chairman Zhu Lilun said that he would continue to bear humiliation to lead the Kuomintang reform and fight until the end of the chairman's term next year.

According to a press release issued by the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun said at the Kuomintang on Wednesday (January 17) that he was the most difficult and hard -working task since he served as the party chairman for more than 20 years., Affairs and dedication.

He said that he could leave without nostalgia, but a greater voice asked him to stay firmly.Do not escape responsibility.

Zhu Lilun said that from February 1st, you will face the major challenges of the New Legislative Yuan. In the face of the DPP's liquidation and counterattack, the Kuomintang must be treated strictly.The Kuomintang is rare to usher in unity and cannot afford another opposition.

Zhu Lilun emphasized that the youthfulness of the Kuomintang not only cannot stop, but also go faster. All the suggestions and criticisms will accept it.Carry it down, reform and cultivate more talents, and fight firmly to the end of the term of office. "

He said that the dawn of reform has appeared, and unity has also been condensed. He called on everyone to roll up the sleeves together, review the reflection, and start again.The Kuomintang will go to all counties and cities on Friday to listen to the grass -roots opinions as an important basis for review, reflection, and reform, and it will be consolidated into a complete review report.

After the Kuomintang last Saturday (January 13), after the defeat of the presidential election, many voices inside the blue camp asked Zhu Lilun to step down to be responsible, including former Kuomintang spokesman Xiao Jingyan, Sun Wen School General Zhang Yazhong, Pan BlueGroup Blue Sky Action Alliance and so on.