Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 17th that the elections in Taiwan cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations, and cannot change the common wishes of compatriots on both sides of the strait to approach their relatives, get more and more relatives, and even stop the motherland's end.The general trend of unity and unity.

On the 17th, the State Council held a routine press conference.Some reporters asked: After being elected, Lai Qingde said that the cross -strait dialogue communication can reduce risks. It is necessary to replace the encirclement with communication, and use dialogue to replace confrontation to integrate peace and coexistence. Only peace -to -peer and democratic dialogue are most in line with the interests of the people on both sides of the strait.What response does the National Taiwan Affairs Office have?

In this regard, Chen Binhua said that on the basis of a China principle, no political parties or groups in Taiwan have no obstacles to our exchanges with us.Instead of replacing confrontation with dialogue, replacing the battle with cooperation, and winning zero -sum in both wins, cross -strait relations can be stable and far away.The DPP's stubborn insistence on the division of "Taiwan independence" is the fundamental obstacle of its interaction with us.

There are also questions from reporters: After Lai Qingde was elected, the DPP entered the third term of continuous "governing". What response did the State Taiwan Affairs Office respond to the "martial arts" sound appearing on the Internet?

In response, Chen Binhua pointed out that this reflects the concerns of all walks of life on the island that the DPP may exacerbate the tension and turbulence of the Taiwan Strait.Chen Binhua emphasized that elections in Taiwan cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations, and cannot change the common wishes of compatriots on both sides of the strait to approach their relatives, get more and more pro -relatives, and even stop the motherland's unity and inevitable general trend.

Chen Binhua said that we are willing to create a broad space for peace and unity, and we are willing to strive for peace and unity with the greatest sincerity and maximum efforts.