(Beijing / Singapore Comprehensive News) In response to Taiwan media reports, several countries in the United States, Japan and Europe stated that they were sent to Taiwan after the Taiwan election.Mainland China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to relevant countries, and has proposed a serious negotiation.

Lai Qingde, the chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, won the presidential election held on Saturday (January 13).

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, a reporter from China News Agency reported on Monday (January 15) to Taiwan media on a regular press conference. Several countries in the United States, Japan, and Europe saidAsk to ask questions.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, responded that China expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute objection to the "wrong practices that violate the principle of China" to the relevant countries and congratulations.

Mao Ning said that a Chinese principle is the political basis for establishing and developing diplomatic relations between China and countries in the world, and is "recognized as a guidelines for international relations and the universal consensus of the international community."She said that who violated the principle of China internationally is to interfere with China's internal affairs and violate China's sovereignty, and "will be co -opposed by all the Chinese people and the international community."

Mao Ning also said: "The election in Taiwan is the internal affairs of China. No matter what the election results, there is no change in the world that only one China and Taiwan are part of China."

In response to the Global Times of the mainland media at the same regular press conference, Singapore Foreign Ministry spokesman asked questions and congratulations on the relevant elections.Strictly negotiated.

Mao Ning said that Singapore's leaders have repeatedly stated that "the issue of Taiwan is the dark red line in the Chinese red line." China attaches great importance to the statement of Singapore, hoping that Singapore strictly abides by a Chinese principle and maintains the overall situation of Chinese and new friendship with practical actions.

According to a statement issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 14th, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in response to the media inquiries that we were happy to see the Taiwan election successfully ended and congratulated Lai Qingde and his party to win.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "Singapore will continue to develop closely and long -term friendly relations with the people of Taiwan and Taiwan on the basis of our 'Chinese' policy."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Singapore has always supported the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.Dialogue, establishment of mutual trust and seeking cooperation are beneficial to both sides of the Taiwan Straits, which also helps stability and prosperity of wide areas, and are welcomed by Singapore and the international community.