The Taiwanese party presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe said, the present stage said, at the present stageIt is impossible for the two sides of the strait to be unified or independent. What is important is that the two parties cannot touch each other's bottom line, but to coordinate each other to find a balance point.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency reported that Ke Wenzhe and deputy Wu Xinying went on Wednesday (January 10) when they went to the Keelung Miaokou Night Market to worship, they were interviewed by international media.

In response to cross -strait relations, Ke Wenzhe said that in the past 30 years, the Blue and green parties have spent too much time to entangle in ideological issues, but at this stage, cross -strait cannot be unified or independent.Especially at present Jiucheng people agree to maintain the status quo. "Why waste so much time to discuss issues that cannot be solved?"

In response to the media how to face mainland China, Ke Wenzhe responded that Taiwan is currently not in mainland China.Too many problems, mainly because the two parties should not touch the other line of the other party, see how to coordinate, and find a balance point.

In an exclusive interview with the Voice of Germany on January 6, the former president of the Kuomintang President Ma Ying -jeou emphasized that the ease of tensions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait must be used in a peaceful way, rather than focusing on military forces.Ma Ying -jeou also said that in terms of cross -strait relations, it is necessary to believe Xi Jinping, President of Mainland China.

In response to Ma Ying -jeou's remarks, Hou Youyi, the presidential candidate of the Kuomintang, immediately clarified that "the idea of ​​the former president of the horse is a bit different from us." From the past to the present, he has adhered to the Taiwan democracy and freedom system and opposed one country, two systems.EssenceThe Democratic Progressive Party held a press conference to criticize Ma Ying -jeou, and the people of Taiwan could not accept it.

Ke Wenzhe said in an interview on Wednesday that the presidential election will determine whether Taiwan's politics will go to new politics and new culture or stay in the past blue -green fighting.