Mainland China launched a satellite on Tuesday (January 9). The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan pointed out that the satellite had flying over the southern part of Taiwan and issued four consecutive alarms. English words were even mistakenly planted as "Missile"), Once caused social panic, the Ministry of National Defense apologized for this.

As Taiwan is about to hold a president and legislators election on Saturday, this false alarm triggered the Lenovo of the mainland's involvement in Taiwan.About:/News/China/Story20240105-1460323 "R = NOFOLLOW target = _blank> Select ".

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense was awarded four "national" alerts at 3:14 pm on Tuesday, saying that the mainland launched a satellite at 3:04 pm, and it has flew over the south. Please pay attention to safety.If you find unknown objects, let the police be dealt with.

The Ministry of Defense announced the Mainland Rocket Tracks in the evening, refersThe route, from Tainan through Taitung's departure from Taiwan's air defense identification zone, considers its actual flight path, is different from the satellite launch path previewed by the Federal Aviation Administration, and abnormal flight trajectory may cause risks to the ground.Essence

Chen Jianren, president of the Executive Dean, was reporting and inquiring at the Legislative Yuan at about 3 o'clock. He said on the spot that he received a newsletter for the launch of the mainland, but then it was corrected as a "satellite".

Faced with the inquiries of Lin Weizhou in the wild Kuomintang, Chen Jianren admits it .Lin Weizhou asked that after Plogus, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States House in August 2022, the mainland launched missiles to fly over Taiwan. The government did not issue an alarm.Use national machine Select ?

Tsai Ing -wen, who was running in Kaohsiung, after receiving the alarm, he was relaxed and appeased the people at the scene and said, "It's okay, the president is here!"

The DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde explained in an interview that the Ministry of Defense issued a newsletter based on the right of the people's knowledge, and the people would not have any misunderstandings.

Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, criticized that in 2022, mainland missiles flew over Taiwan.It is a very serious national security crisis to publicize the launch of missiles in the mainland.

Ke Wenzhe, a candidate for the President of the People's Party, also criticized that the information was confusing when the Ministry of Defense and the Executive Yuan occurred in emergency situations.He pointed out that the launch plan of the mainland was jointly planned with Europe. Two days ago, the launch path was announced. Compared with the Dongfeng missile launched in the mainland in 2022, the serious degree is very different.Panic.

Before the Taiwan election, the Taiwan -related action in the mainland has always been highly sensitive. In the past, many experiences have proven that the military deterrence of the mainland before election often has anti -effect, but instead "assists" the power of pro -Taiwan independence.

Among them, the most prominent example of Taiwan's first presidential direct election in 1996. The PLA continued to test missiles and hold military exercises against Taiwan. As a result, "Taiwan Independence Godfather" Lee Teng -hui was elected at 54%.During the Taiwan election in 2000, the then Mainland Prime Minister Zhu Rongji severely warned Taiwan to "do not have a good end" at the press conference and "vigilant" in Taiwan.

Some comments believe that the mainland has also learned lessons and carefully avoid extravagant military display before election.The satellite of the mainland was considered a warning by Taiwan as a "missile". It may be an unintentional loss, or it may reflect the degree of stagnation of this election.