Taiwan election enters the last week, and mainland China has played a hard and soft "economic card" to Taiwan, saying that Zhengzheng has further adopted the Strait Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) to harvest products such as agriculture, fishing, machinery, machinery and other products in the early daysTariffs and other measures, at the same time, will be released to support Fujian's exploration of 14 measures to integrate cross -strait integration to promote the first trial of the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone.

The Taiwan Executive Yuan's land committee expressed a serious protest against Beijing's intended to cancel the ECFA early collection list, warned Beijing not to underestimate the wisdom of the Taiwanese, and said that "it will only be counterproductive."

The analysis of the scholars in the interviewed, Beijing's hardware and hardships and power maps influence the decision -making of the middle voters; compared with previous elections, the mainland has taken a wider and deeper action scope in the gray field this time.

The Customs Taxation Committee of the State Council of Mainland China has announced that it has suspended the tariff reduction of 12 petrochemical tax products in ECFA last December.

The website of the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland (January 9) issued a press release in the form of a question and answer, quoting the spokesperson that since the announcement of the ECFA announcement in December, "the DPP has not taken any effective measures to cancel the mainland to the mainlandInstead of trade restrictions, it is politically manipulated to try to plant stolen dumps and avoid responsibilities. "

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce warned: "The relevant departments are based on the relevant terms of ECFA and relevant policies and regulations to study the initial measures to suspend ECFA's early harvesting of agricultural, fishing, machinery, automotive parts, textiles and other measures."

The mainland official media also released news on the same day that the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland, the Central Taiwan Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued on Monday (January 8), on Monday (January 8).The notice of the development of new ways to develop a new road proposes 14 measures to seek expansion of the pre -demonstration effect on Taiwan.

The notice said that it will support Fujian to expand open cooperation with Taiwan, support Fujian to strengthen investment promotion to Taiwan, and support Fujian's high -quality development of Taiwan trade, and explore the new format of cross -strait service trade cooperation.

At the same time, it helps to integrate into a large domestic cycle in Fujian and Taiwan enterprises, support the close coastal areas of Fujian coastal areas, and strengthen trade with Kinmen and Matsu, and strengthen cooperation with Kinmen and Matsu to carry out the construction of the park.

In September last year, the mainland has released the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the Communist Party of China about The opinions of the district proposed that Fujian should give full play to Fujian's unique advantage and pre -demonstration role.

On the other hand, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense has repeatedly stated in the past week that it has discovered that the mainland's air balloon crossed the middle line of the Strait, and the Taiwan Media Zhongshi News reported that mainland business vessels directly entered Taiwan's three to four seas.The Taiwan Ministry of Defense also issued a "national" air defense alert on Tuesday (January 9), saying that the mainland launched satellites on the afternoon and flew over the south of Taiwan.

The Voice of the United States reported that a US State Department spokesman urged Beijing to stop Beijing's military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Monday (January 8), and criticized "this is fundamentally running counter to peace and stability."

The Taiwan election will be held on Saturday (13th).Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policy and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Technology, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that when the mainland was approaching, the Taiwan policy was intensively adopted to affect the decision of the final stage of the middle voters, but I believe most voters' votersThe decision will not shake, and the measures on the mainland this week are expected to not have much impact on the results of the presidential election.

Wang Zhisheng, former Secretary -General of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, studied and judged in the interview. Compared with the previous Taiwan elections, the mainland's measures in the gray area are wider and deeper.The mainland is trying to influence the election in different ways and levels, and the practice is more fine.

Wang Zhisheng said: "This is relatively rare in the past. It shows that the practice of the mainland is improving, and the depth and breadth are magnified, but the surface strength is reduced to avoid the outside world's questioning and criticism of the mainland's selection."