Unknown U.SAfter planning to send a high -level delegation composed of former officials to visit Taiwan after the election of the Taiwan election.

Agence France -Presse on Thursday (January 11) quoted the Bayeng government officials to report the above news that the specific delegation's itinerary and visit date are still being drawn.

A senior American official said that the delegation will consist of former US government officials, just like the past delegation.

The official said that the delegation will "clarify what a Chinese policy is in the United States, not what", that is, reiterating the position of Washington does not support Taiwan independence."In our opinion, this kind of contact helps peace and stability."

The British Financial Times quoted five sources revealed that the White House has appointed Democratic Party's former deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg) Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser, led the cross -party delegation.

It is reported that although Washington has previously dispatched a delegation composed of two former officials to visit Taiwan to express support for Taiwan, it is still unusual to choose the time after the presidential election in Taiwan.It is likely to anger Beijing.

However, Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation, believes that it is important to issue the signal of the United States to support Taiwan's democracy and the new president.of.

The Taiwan election has entered the countdown. Senior officials in mainland China have recently shouted to the United States.It is also "the red line that cannot be leapfrog"; the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng emphasized that "the Chinese government has no room for compromises for those Taiwanese independences who forget the ancestors and do not recognize themselves as Chinese."

In response to the trip of the United States delegation, the Chinese Embassy in the United States responded that Beijing "resolutely oppose the official contact with the United States and Taiwan for any form of official contact", and called on the Bayeng government to stop the "Taiwan independence" division to "Taiwan independence".Forces have issued an error signal, do not interfere in the Taiwan election in any form.