The Taiwan government said that satellites in mainland China (January 9) flew over the south of Taiwan. After analysis of the Guoan team, research and judgment can exclude political attempts.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense was awarded four "national" alerts at 3:14 pm on Tuesday, saying that the mainland launched a satellite at 3:04 pm, and has flew over the south.However, for the British translation version, the satellite translates the satellite into "Missile" (missile), and the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan acknowledged negligence and apologized.

Subsequently, some media once said that there was actually no flying objects flying over the south, but the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced the trace map that night, showing that the rocket was separated from the pre -judgment route over Hunan.Taiwan ’s air defense identification zone, considering its actual flight path, is different from the satellite launch path previewed by the Federal Aviation Administration, and the flight trajectory may be abnormal, which may cause risks to the ground. Therefore, it is not alert to the public by the SMS and has not been disturbed by political parties.

In response to whether the launching satellites involved in the mainland, the Taiwanese government spokesman Lin Yanshan responded in the evening that after the national security team analyzed the overall information of various information, and the appraisal of the friends of all international friends, the research and judgment were judged.Political attempts can be ruled out.