In the interview with former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou's interviewCross -strait relations must trust Xi Jinping. "Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, said that" the idea of ​​the former President of Malaysia is a bit different from us ". From the past to the present, he has adhered to the Taiwan's democracy and freedom system and opposed one country and two systems.

According to the Taiwan China Times, Hou Youyi emphasized on Wednesday (January 10) that he has never had unrealistic ideas for mainland China.In terms of cross -strait relations, he always adheres to Taiwan's democratic freedom system and opposes one country and two systems. More importantly, he will keep the lifestyle of the people of Taiwan, and will not change because of unilateral behaviors on the other side.

Hou Youyi said, "The thought of the former president of the horse is a bit different from us". From the past to the present, I have advocated the "3D strategy" and emphasized the obstacles.Subsequently, the risk of cross -strait conflicts was reduced through dialogue and communication.

The Democratic Progressive Party criticized Ma Ying -jeou's remarks, and the people of Taiwan were unacceptable.Hou Youyi ’s mentor on both sides of the strait is Ma Ying -jeou, and Hou Youyi is Ma Ying -jeou’ s puppet and Ma Qian died.

The Voice of Germany published an exclusive interview with Ma Ying -jeou on Monday (January 8). In the interview, Ma Ying -jeou emphasized that the alleviating across the Taiwan Strait must be dialogue with a peaceful manner instead of preparing for the battle.How to self -defense can never resist the war with the mainland and never win. "

Ma Ying -jeou said that in the eight years since he became Taiwan, cross -strait relations have been relatively peaceful."We must have some problems with the mainland, but they have never reached the level of military operations. But the DPP is different, because they have the concept of Taiwan independence, which is the biggest taboo for mainland China."

Ma Ying -jeou has criticized that the DPP has never had a conversation with mainland China for many years because the DPP did not accept the 1992 consensus.They tried to merge with the 1992 consensus with one country and two systems. "This is really not a good way to deal with problems."

Ma Ying -jeou said that the 1992 consensus is a very important political foundation on both sides of the strait, and it is why the cross -strait is not tense. "We must create a situation that can live peacefully without using force. This may be better than any other remarks than any other remarks.It's more important. "

In response to reporters, "So you think you can trust Xi Jinping", Ma Ying -jeou responded: "As far as cross -strait relations are concerned, you must believe in him."

Ma Ying -jeou also mentioned that unified uniformly, unifiedIt takes a long time, but before achieving this goal, the most important thing is that this process is peace and democracy. "If this can be done, I think the people of Taiwan may accept it."