Zoko's plan to build the dynasty has begun to be hyped by the forces of anti -Zoko. Without handling the family, it will have a negative impact.

Indonesia once again broke the demonstration of students and workers on August 22. At first, it was in Jakarta and spread to other cities the next day.The fuse of this demonstration was the amendment to the local election law, and the struggle was soon controlled.The amendment to the bill is to change the age of the election place in order to allow President Zoko Chozan, a young President of Zoko, who can participate in the election of Governor of China Java on November 27, 2024.


Amendment Act was originally approved in Congress at the end of August.However, the Indonesian Constitutional Court received a request from two small parties in June this year, asking the court to allow political parties who did not enter the local council to jointly nominate the election.The Constitutional Court decided on August 20 that a small political party that allowed not to enter the local council jointly nominated the election in the local head election on November 27.%And 10%.The court also announced that other provisions will follow the original local election law, that is, the candidates of the deputy governor must be 30 years old; the county magistrate and mayor candidate must be 25 years old.

These decisions mean that the Democratic Party of the struggle can nominate candidates alone in the Jakarta elections at the end of November, while Cassan cannot run for the governor or deputy governor.

When the Constitutional Court promulgated the decision, Congress was discussing and modifying the local election law. The candidate of the candidate for the election governor must be reached 30 years old.age.In this way, Cassan, born in December 25, 1994, can be elected because it will not be officially took office until January 2025 after being elected. At that time, he is also 30 years old.Obviously.This revision is paving the way for Kasan.

Indonesian college students and workers launched a demonstration on August 22, and the demonstrations of Jakarta went to the Congress Building to shout the slogan in the morning to prevent the bill from revising.The demonstration was initially carried out in a peaceful way. Later, some people broke through the iron gate of the Congress of the Congress, and the situation was in chaos. The police began to arrest the perpetrator.According to reports, in addition to Jakarta, college students and workers in several large cities in several major cities in several major cities in Vanlon, Yogyaki, Sambo, Surabaya and Sumenhammunra also demonstrated in front of the local parliament to oppose the amendment of the Congress.

On the same day, Congress had a meeting to vote and implement the amendment bill.However, the sudden demonstration affects the attendance rate of parliament members, so the vice chief of Congress announced that the amendment bill was unable to pass due to the failure of the legal person.The implication is that the decision of the Constitutional Court is effective.

According to Times Weekly report, after Congress did not pass the amendment bill, Zoko summoned the president Plaboor's opinion.Plabovo suggested that Cassan not to participate in the local head election in 2024.If the report is true, Plabovo may be worried that his party will be led, because the Case is nominated by the Great Indonesian Sports Party to run. If Cassan continues to run, students and workers will be demonstrated again, which will eventually affect Plaboobo.Wo and Giblan officially took office on October 20 as the "legitimacy" of President and Vice President.

When Plaboopo and Giblan were elected and vice presidents, Gibland was not 40 years old.It is said that Zoko's brother -in -law, as the chairman of the Constitutional Court, put pressure on the court members, and Giblan was able to run.At that time, it was also dissatisfied with democratic people.However, due to the special situation, the incident of modifying the presidential election provisions was finally controlled.

In the topic of dealing with the local chief election amendment bill, Zoko said he had no right to interfere with the parliament and the Constitutional court.He claims that as president, he will follow the decision of Congress and the Constitutional Court.Some analysts pointed out that Anwar is no longer the chairman of the Constitutional court and did not participate in the decision. Therefore, it appeared that the Constitutional Court issued a decision on October 20th. This was what Zoko did not expect.

Before participating in politics, Zoko's family members were greatly respected.They do small business and live a simple life.However, when Zoko was elected president again, family members began to grow business and participate in politics.In the last election of the last time, Zoko's eldest son Giblan was elected as the mayor of Torolo City, and his son -in -law Bobby was elected mayor of Mianlan City.Two years later, in the presidential election, Giblan became a partner of Plaboor and obtained the position of Vice President.Zoko also cultivated the younger son Kasan. First, the leader of the Indonesian united party of the young man was immediately prepared to participate in the campaign of the local head of this year. As a result, students and workers demonstrated demonstrations.

At this moment, in social media, a private plane about Cassan took a friend to fly with his pregnant wife, Erina, to California, USA to buy expensive babies for children who were about to be born.Anti -Soco's social media began to propose to investigate the cost of the Cases of Cases to take a private jet, whether to embezzle public funds, or involves collusion with officials and business.They also used the example of the luxury life of the Zoko family, destroying Zoko's simple and close people.Zokko's plan to build the dynasty has begun to be hyped by anti -Zoko's forces. Without handling the family, it will have a negative impact.

At this stage, Zoko can also control the situation.Analysts believe that Zoko is controlled by the agent to control the second largest party, which is beneficial to Zoko after being out of office.At present, Zoko and Plabovo have successfully prevented Anis from participating in the election of Jakarta's heads.Anis was going to come back, but many major political parties were reluctant to nominate him because they had joined the Cabinet of the Zoko government.

The Democratic Party is very dissatisfied with Zako's behavior. Its Jakarta branch must nominate Anis as the candidate for Jakarta, because his power in Jakarta is still very large, and the chance of winning is great.However, internal division of the Democratic Party, most factions do not agree with nomination of Anis. It is said that the former Jakarta chief Zhong Wanxue also threatened that if Anis became a candidate for the struggle, he would retreat to the party.

Nowadays, people's sight is concentrated in the local chief election on November 27.If there is no accident, the candidates nominated by Zoko and Plabovo may be elected.

The author is a senior visiting researcher at the Yusov Isaf Issa Eastern South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, and a professor of a professor at the Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajernan International Research Institute