Many lace news that derived from the aimed at the aimed at creating "new expectations" and "stable political situation" can certainly care and pay attention, but do not have to follow the enthusiastic tracking and faith.At the same time, we must still keep in mind: how can the Japanese factional politics go easily!

Just as the President of the Liberal Democratic Party (and of course the Prime Minister) competed, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita just announced the retirement of the election.The topic.

On the surface, this seems to be a report that loves Japanese media instinctual response and truthfulness.But carefully analyzing is the following two purposes and functions.One is to compile a large number of lace news, hold a variety of polls with the presidential election results, and often have no relationship with public opinion testing, creating a "new expectation" atmosphere.The second is to take this as an opportunity and no longer investigate and explore the problems and gains faced by policies in the original regime.As far as the presidential election is concerned, it is no longer focusing on the "rebate" of political contributions to stabilize the people's hearts and political situation.

"Generation of generations" is not a new product

The main tasks of the media are both focusing on "stable political situations" and creating "new expectations". Of course, they must be hollowed out to seek new selling points.In the 1970s and 1980s, that is, the five major factions of the Liberal Democratic Party in the five major valves of the "Sanmu Wusu) Horn (Tanaka Kok Rong) Da (Fukuda), Futian (Fukuda),"With the two major valves (Tanaka School and Futian School), the moving trends of the group and its vertical and vertical crossing are not only a hot spot in the media tracking, but also the landscape of the current situation at that time.

At that time, in order to find a way out of the way out and breaking the strength of the strong (or the second strong), the weak side -like leaders often proposed the slogan of "new people's hearts", and the young and strong factions in the major valves often often oftenThe "alternation of generations" will be proposed, and you will take care of it.In the late 1960s, Misaki Wusu, who was once the cabinet of the Cabinet of the Cabinet, was the advocate of the high -profile advocating "people's heart".By the 1980s, Abe Jinsha, who was young and strong in the Tanaka faction, and the younger Yoshiko of the Futian faction, and even promoted the political representative of the "generation alternation" theory.

This shows that the theory of "people's hearts" or "generation alternate" theory is not the "monopoly" or new products that appear at the election of the President of the Liberal Democratic Party in the last or last Liberal Democratic Party.In order to win the demands and slogans in order to win early in the early days, it can also be said that it is a way and tradition of the political struggle of the Japanese -style factional valve.

When talking about the politics of the valve, people will immediately think of collusion with politicians and businessmen tied to the money scandal.The support rate of Kishida cabinet falls and falls, which is also related to this issue.In order to get rid of the troubles of the black gold political scandal, Kishida tried to rescue the regime by dissolving the valve.He took the lead in dissolving his leadership of the Emperor Hongchi.Immediately afterwards, Abe, the second -order factions such as the suspected involved in the scandal also followed.At present, in addition to the Masheng School led by Otsuka, it has maintained its original state, and the remaining people have been declared dissolution on the surface.

In this regard, some Japanese media tried to set the president election as "a compete for the president without political participation in the valve". Some foreign observers who did not know the truth also followed the wind as one of the presidential elections of this presidential election.Big features.But if you think about it carefully, no one will believe that this is inherent with the Liberal Democratic Party, and he will disappear because of the disadvantaged prime minister who is about to withdraw."Politics to dissolve" theory is also the same.The "Showa Monster" Kishikuke's big housekeeper and Futian faction leader Fukuda Futian set up the "Party Style Innovation Alliance" in 1962, calling on the dissolution of the valve, but everyone knows that he is a great player of the valve politics.In 1979, the "Party Style Innovation Alliance", which was originally called for the dissolution of the valve, was officially renamed the "Qinghe Policy Research Association", which was evidence.

Paper Press Conference with Unique Fields

In the spring of 1973, during the training of the Asahi Shimbun, the author attended a press conference of a certain weekly routine of the Liberal Democratic Party with the Political reporter of the newspaper.That was a press conference with long knowledge.As soon as you enter the faction club, you can see the large -scale standard status of the leader of the valve (whether this is the case for the clubs of today, it is unknown).As time arrived, the members of the Reporter Club of the Valves gathered the conference room with the members of the same valve and the secretary.There are many nonsense of other valves in the meal. The relationship between different valves in the Liberal Democratic Party is like different political parties.

Maybe, unlike today's factional valve politics, at the time in Japan was still in the era of "national theory" (that is, for the country's way out of the country, there are two different choices).Internal issues are slightly "slow", "urgent", or the banner of "pigeons" and "eagle" (conservative nature unchanged) on major issues such as defense issues and foreign policies."(That is," General Liberal Democraticism ").

Nevertheless, the scandals of the complicated relationships and interests of the wealthy valves and the chaebols behind are never stopped, and it is also a well -known fact.To put it bluntly, the relationship between the leader of the valve leader "Golden Art" and the connection between the wrist and the connections of the valve determine the fate of the size of the valve.For the "Tanaka Philosophy", which was dominated by the former Prime Minister of politics at that time, was the game of "money+numbers (number of members)".There are more money, the number of people (parliamentarians) will be increased; the number of members will be more, and the money from the chaebol will increase accordingly.This is the interactive relationship between the valve politicians and the chaebol, and it is also the basic formula and operating procedure of the valve politics.

Jijinwi wrist decide to send valve size

Because of where the money is, where the power is, where the power is, and where the money will be, the keen Japanese politician will focus on the golden gavery politicians.In the autumn of 1987, the author was in Lianhe Zaobao to go to Tokyo the first overseas special officer office.At the time of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s largest valve, the leader of the Tanaka faction, the leader of the Tanaka, and the leader of the young school (the chairman of the Scripture Council with the theory of the generation of generations) broke through the problem, and the Japanese media vigorously rendered the" new expectations "of the new regime.A senior politician taught me the following tips to observe the Japanese political situation: Among the two directors of the Liberal Democratic Party (that is, the Secretary -General), instead of focusing on the Chief of the President Xiaoyuan, it is better to pay close attention to the younger than Xiaoyuan.The movement of Vice President Ozawa Ichiro.The reason is very simple. Not only does Ozawa have a relative relationship with Prime Minister Takeshi Prime Minister and Takeshita Pentagon (the eldest daughter of Takeshita is the eldest daughter of Kinamaru, and Ozawa's wife and aunt is the younger brother of Takeshita), he is good at raising political funds for the valveYoung politicians.

Sure enough, in the next 10 years when the Bamboo Cabinet crisis and later the Japanese politics re -reshuffle and the political situation were uneasy, although Ozawa has not successfully appeared on the Prime Minister's throne like Xiaoyuan, no one can deny it.On the "Banner, Ogawa Ichiro was the central figure of the wind and rain, dominated by the situation.His words are more weight than any vulnerable Prime Minister.Before leaving the Liberal Democratic Party, he was the "highest interviewer" who had a whispering visit before he worshiped.In the process of running the Liberal Democratic Party and leading the reorganization of politics, he played the role of the behind -the -scenes general.For a while, the image of "freshness", and the Hosokawa Huxi Cabinet, which is composed of eight carriages, must fully obey his command stick;The banner (Japanese pronunciation is also HATA).In other words, Prime Minister Haneda is just a banner of Ozawa."Jijin" and politics, politics, and black gold, here can be said to be vividly played.

The subtle relationship between politicians, secretaries and wealth

As for politicians' collection of gold, there are basically two ways.oneIt is a political donation that is directly donated by enterprises or individuals to politicians or politicians; the second is to follow the provisions of the political fund rules formulated in July 1948, and log in and report the sources and expenditures of funds raised to the election management committee.Essence

The former is easy to be traded by others as the right to money.The grandfather of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also the famous saying of the "Showa Monster" Kishimo. Politicians must drink clean water after filtering.The voice outside the string is that the secretary of the politician must act as a "filter".In case of disappointment, the secretary will bear political responsibility, or the secretary will be placed on behalf of the prison.

Famous politician Zuo Gaoxin also described the subtle relationship between politicians, secretaries and donors on TV very vivid and interesting.Zuo Gao, who is familiar with the inside story of the political and economic community, said that this type of donation is generally carried out in the secret room.In front of the politician, the donor was left immediately after handing over the entire box of cash to the secretary.As soon as the bribers exited the secret room, the politicians immediately took the bribe from the secretary.The reason is that if the politicians are not at the scene, entrepreneurs are not assured of the secretary; after entrepreneurs leave the secret room, politicians may get cash from the secretary's hands, and some money may have some money in the future.The Liberal Democratic Party leader and the secretary had a precedent for this incident of resentment.

"Patriarch dissolving" theory is a pseudo -proposition

As for the measures to obtain legal political contributions in accordance with the rule of law and the law, although the violations are relatively helpful, there are many legal loopholes and gray areas and risks.Many leaders of the factional valve are under the name of holding parties to raise political funds.In the 1980s, various groups within the Liberal Democratic Party (other factions), known as the Tanaka Corps, often raced on regular distribution of red and red envelopes to the members of the men in orderThe main source is to sell a large number of party vouchers.

During the time when the author was a reporter, he was fortunate to attend several large -scale party conferences, witnessing the grand occasion of Japanese -style raising political funds and eating and drinking luxury mass conferences.The entry voucher is generally 30,000 yen (about S $ 270). Although many large enterprises buy a lot, they are only representative.The center of the venue is a big forum. I saw the famous politicians and celebrities' ink appear. Talking about political ideas and the out of line with the new and old politicians, the audience ate and drank business cards.Other affairs.Occasionally echo the guests on the stage, shout to a toast or applaud to show the help.

But how the political funds raised by this big fanfare, how to "clear accounting", how to report, how to report, whether there is a report, how to use it, whether there is a politician personal pocket, etc., such as corruption, etc., is often questioned and questioned.To this end, although the political fund rules were revised dozens of times, they were still invincible, and many politicians recruited in the gray area.

The Kanada government has retired from the Liberal Democratic Party's related scandal and disbanded most of the valves. Can it really purify Japan's politics and recover the credibility of the Liberal Democratic Party?Will the Politics of the Passion with the chaebol disappear and really dissolve?Honestly, it is even more clear about these issues than the Japanese media, especially the political reporter of the Pie reporter club who is inseparable from the leader of the valve.But just as Hada Kaki pointed out, it is just (media) that it does not report.

It is clear that this is from many lace news that derived from Japanese media to create "new expectations" and "stable political situation", such as "people's hearts new" theory, "generation alternation" theory, "sent valve dissolution" theory, orDuring the election of the last president, the "first female prime minister on the stage in history" was rendered in a state of election. Of course, you can care and pay attention, but do not have to follow the follow -up and believe that it is true.

At the same time, we must still keep in mind that Nagita -cho (Japanese political power center) has never been based on the high or low of politicians' support rates or age and gender.The fighting between the presidential candidate also depends on the game and the hard negotiations and transactions of the games behind each of the factions and money behind the scenes.In other words, the political performances of the Liberal Democratic Party may temporarily retire, but the "policy group", which is called the "bare party" (learning meeting), will come back again, and once again surface and reappear brilliant.Japan's factional valve politics, how can you go easily!

The author is Singaporean scholars and Japanese political critics

The instructor of the Journalism Research Association of Peking University

Honorary Director of Xiamen University International Communication Research Center

Honorary Professor of Longgu University in Japan