Ten kilometers from the brilliant Beijing Chaoyang District to the northeast, and came to Pi Village outside the East Fifth Ring Road.There is a name of this humble land: the village in the city, or the urban -rural binding department.As the name suggests, here is neither a city nor a rural, but a place where the two are blended.

The residents of Piocun are not real villagers, but foreigners who come to Beijing to work.The lighter north drifted in the rental house like a pigeon cage squeezed, and the older and low -end labor force gathered here.Just as Singapore's foreign guest workers, although they contributed to urban development, they have always separated from the edge of society.

In April of this year, members of the Love Society of Peking University came to Pi Village to hold oral health knowledge in mobile children.In the peaceful village, the school provided by the Tongxin Experimental School, the school provided by the migrant children, and the nearby places are full of vitality.

The children of the migrant workers came to Beijing with their parents, but they could not settle down.In order to continue to school, they can only enter schools opened by the "Family House of Workers" by the public welfare organization.Due to the unable to apply for a student, some children dropped out early and stepped into the ranks of work.

The House of Workers was forced to relocate in 2016. Last May, the Museum of Migrant Culture in Picun was also demolished.Civil labor organizations like this are difficult to escape this fate in China. Even if there are media reports and public opinion, they are not spared in the end.

In Singapore, there is also room for improvement of guest workers.The difference is that Singapore's folk forces are more active.Non -governmental organizations such as TWC2 (TWC2) and HealthServe provide a lot of rights protection channels for guest workers and cooperate with government departments.

However, the guest workers of these buildings, maritime and processing industries still face many work restrictions and risks. For example, replacing employers need to return to the country first, and may be suspended when they are sick, and even dare not appeal to labor disputes because of their concerns.Although more institutions have reached their hands, the governance of the government must strengthen the supervision of illegal employers to effectively protect the rights and interests of customers.

There is also a literary group spontaneously organized by a migrant worker in Pi Village. I was widely known a few years ago.Singapore also has similar literary organizations -foreign labor writer associations.I have narrowedly believe that there is a natural distance between workers and art. The former is a living, while the latter pursues spiritual satisfaction.

But when I accidentally read the poetry created by the guest workers, I realized the power.Some people have loved literature from an early age, and some have begun to express their deep emotions in their hearts after they go to Singapore.A guest worker poet wrote: "In their hometown, people sell rice fields and in exchange for education, but we can't find a job; here, we sell labor to buy paddy fields for home hometown." These verses are not to win the public to win the publicThe silent shouts made by the underlying group, hoping that their voices can bring real changes.

It was the evening when I left Pi Village, and the street was bustling, all workers from get off work.I bought some fruits and was surprised to find that the price here was the same as the city.I couldn't help but sigh: Whether in Beijing or Singapore, the guest workers exchanged sweat for a meager salary and difficultly dealing with the growing living expenses.I ran around in order to fill my stomach, but found comfort in poetry and art, and pinned their nostalgia.

The author is a Singapore student at the School of International Relations of Peking University