Since Moutai has always maintained hunger marketing status, the supply is far lower than the demand, which also causes the phenomenon of prices and foam in Moutai.Therefore, if Moutai thinks that the decline in the price of Moutai is the downgrade of consumption, it may not even be talked about.

In the past two years, China's consumer market has been relatively low, and economic growth has put forward higher requirements for consumer demand.Therefore, the remarks about the downgrade of consumption are still loud. As long as the sales of a certain product decline, some people will hung them with the consumption downgrade, and they think how serious consumption is downgraded.Is this the case?Does China have downgraded consumption?The author believes that there are some paradoxes on the issue of consumption downgrade.

One of the paradoxes: The sales of commercial houses are not smooth, which is the downgrade of consumption.Compared with previous years, the sales of commercial housing in recent years have indeed appeared obviously unsatisfactory.In particular, under the influence of the continuous sluggish market, most of the capital chains have tight or broken.What is the reason for this phenomenon?Is it a decline in the purchasing power of residents or other factors?Is consumption downgrade?

A fact that cannot be ignored is that on the issue of housing consumption, most residents have always been insufficient purchasing power and housing prices are seriously separated from the actual purchase ability of residents.Otherwise, there will not be so many "house slaves" overnight.Why do the majority of residents know that their ability to buy is insufficient and still need liabilities to buy a house?It is because the rise in house prices is too fast and distorted consumption psychology. They all want to protect their limited wealth through liabilities and buying houses.In other words, in the past few years, the popularity of the real estate market was based on the severe deterioration of the consumption structure of the majority of residents. It was completely advanced consumption and excessive consumption.It is really the most rational and normal consumption, rather than the downgrade of consumption.Taking normal consumption as a reduction in consumption is exactly that some people want to continue to induce the majority of residents to consume irrational consumption, advance consumption, and excessive consumption.

Paradox: The sales of consumer goods such as home appliances, decoration materials are not strong, which is the downgrade of consumption.I don't know if there is any institution that compares the consumption situation of home appliances, decoration materials, etc. in the real estate market. Whether the real estate market has a strong consumption capacity before the popularity of the real estate market, or a strong consumption power after the real estate market explosion.The intuitive feeling is that the real estate market has strong consumption power after explosion, and it shows stronger consumption capacity with car consumption.

Consumption such as home appliances and decoration materials after the real estate market explodes, and compare the consumption data of home appliances and decoration materials when the real estate market is hot. It is obviously inappropriate and unscientific.Therefore, the conclusion of consumption downgrade is also a crime of addition, which is a paradox.

Third of paradox: The slowdown of luxury consumption is the downgrade of consumption.I do n’t know what psychology and logic are, hung the luxury consumption and consumption relegation.Yes, at a certain stage of the past, the consumer market did have a hot consumption of luxury goods, and the growth rate of luxury consumption was very fast, so that foreign luxury merchants have deployed in major cities in China.Especially in first- and second -tier cities, sales are in good sales.However, no one went to investigate the structure of luxury consumption. How much is normal consumption, how many non -normal consumption, how many public funds are consumed, how many private consumption, how many are corporate consumption, how many are there, how much is it?Ordinary residents consumption.At that time, the consumption of luxury goods, public funds, enterprises and rich consumption were the mainstream, and the proportion of ordinary residents was extremely low.

As anti -corruption continues to increase, public funds and enterprises have fallen cliff -like declines.Obviously, in the past, luxury consumption was caused by normal factors, which was promoted by factors such as corruption, rather than the embodiment of residents' ability to buy luxury goods.After the decline in the consumption of luxury goods, it is considered to be downgraded by consumption, which is ignorant.If this is also called consumption downgrade, what else can be talked about consumption upgrade?What is not a paradox.

Paradox 4: The business of high -end hotels has not passed, that is, consumption is downgraded.Although the business of high -end hotels is prosperous, it is one of the performances of high consumption level.However, it also depends on the object of consumption and depends on the endogenous power of consumption.For a considerable period of time, the consumption of high -end hotels is indeed very popular, especially in first -tier cities, some hotels can be described as difficult to order in one room.The price of dishes has also risen again and again, and wines with thousands of yuan and tens of thousands of yuan have abound.However, after the eight provisions were introduced, the business of these hotels soon lighted, and a considerable number of hotels could not survive.

Is the lighter business of these hotels related to the downgrade of consumption?On the contrary, the business of ordinary hotels does not decline. At the same time, emerging formats such as tourism, leisure, fitness, and culture have continued to become popular. Is it a consumption downgrade or upgrade?The so -called high -end hotels are no longer the relegation of consumption. Isn't it a paradox?

Paradox 5: The price of Moutai wine is not available, that is, consumption is downgraded, it is really a big joke.Some people even regard Moutai as one of the measurement indicators of consumption upgrades, which is really ignorance.Why is Moutai wine that can be surprisingly high, not the value of the wine itself, but to boost unconventional factors such as corruption.At the same time, because Moutai has always maintained hunger marketing status and the supply is far lower than demand, it also leads to the phenomenon of prices and foam in Moutai.According to the actual value of Moutai, more than 1,000 yuan per bottle (about S $ 183) per bottle should be sufficient water.The same is true of other high -end liquor, there are different degrees of moisture.If Moutai thinks that the decline in the price of Moutai is indeed very ignorant and ignorant, it may not even be able to talk about paradoxes.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer