As the largest home diplomacy in the era of the post -epidemic era, the Sino -African Cooperation Forum Summit was held in Beijing a few days ago. Almost all African heavyweight state leaders appeared in the Chinese capital and received the highest courtesy with Chinese chairman Xi Jinping.As the concentration of Africa, as a global southern country, China ’s overall positioning of China -Africa relations this time has been promoted to the strategic level of“ the community of destiny community of China and Africa in the new era ”.

On August 29, Xi Jinping also met with the US National Security Consultant Sarawon, emphasizing that China's goal of being committed to the stable development of Sino -US relations has not changed, and he expressed his hope that the United States can develop as an opportunity for each other than a challenge.Next, as an iconic country in the Western world, Spanish Prime Minister and Norwegian Prime Minister also visited China back and forth.Since the Chinese decision -making layer on vacation in Beidaihe, this dense home diplomacy has ushered in. As a third party, how should we interpret it?

In 2013, Xi Jinping first proposed "telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese voices", which has since become one of the most important foreign policy guidance ideas in China.However, it must be rationally pointed out that after 10 years, the book "Chinese Story", especially Western countries, is still in a half -year -old book.The root of the problem lies in the narrative context of Chinese characteristics and is not compatible with the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of Western countries.

Reform and opening up, as a two -sided flag of the Chinese government, opening this national policy actually includes two aspects: "going out, please come in".But the premise of opening up is that the security and stability of the country cannot be shaken.It is difficult for the Chinese story to shoulder the dual tasks of external propaganda and internal propaganda, which is difficult to obtain both fish and bear's paw between the national spirit and the international perspective. As a result, the mainland government decision -making layer has also opened up the strategy of opening up.

On March 27, when Liu Jianchao, Minister of Liaison Department of the Mainland Government Central Committee, was first proposed for the political system, language and system of Chinese characteristics for the first time when visiting Singapore. "Learning, this helps understand and helps strengthen confidence in China. "China's going out in China is reflected in China's advanced things that do not exclude foreign countries and do not refuse to learn from others; and China's invitation is reflected in the opening of the country on the premise that China is willing to ensure its own security. Welcome other countries to take the initiative to contact and understand China, Win -win -win cooperation.

On July 27, when Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the US Secretary of State Brosky, they emphasized the importance of understanding, hoping that the United States can understand the current decision passed by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Mainland Government to understand China’s present.And future.On July 29, Xi Jinping pointed out when meeting the Italian Prime Minister Meloni that he hoped that Italy and Western countries would understand and support China's development concepts, and adhere to open cooperation and win -win development.

This year, China and Singapore have realized their entry and visa -free exemptions. China has even actively opened visa -free visas to 12 wealthy countries including Germany, France, Italy;Convenient measures, such as non -cash payment, restrictions on foreigners' use of overseas social media, and so on."Please come in" received the immediate effect. According to the data of the Chinese Immigration Authority, the number of foreigners reached 29.22 million in the first half of this year, an increase of nearly 153%year -on -year.

Entering China, standing in China to understand China, and benefiting a huge and potential Chinese market, it will become a compulsory course for countries around the world in the current era of great change.As the place of intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, Singapore will be one of the model countries of the fourth -generation leadership of the "multi -dating and unsatisfactory" diplomatic strategy that the fourth -generation leadership continues, and will be confident that it will become one of the model countries that understand China, understand China and cooperate and win -win.

When Huang Xun visited China in December 2023, he solemnly said to the world: never bet on China to decline.As of the end of March 2023, Singapore's actual investment in China has invested 134.8 billion US dollars (about S $ 176 billion) in China, becoming China's largest source of foreign capital.Singapore companies have participated in the process of reform and opening up in China in depth. For example, for the overseas qualified institutions that the Chinese government strongly encouraged, the "Panda Debt" priced in RMB in China has been issued in China.Successfully issued and received enthusiastic excess subscription by investors.As one of Singapore's blue -chip stocks, it has been cultivated in China in the 1980s.

When all countries can participate in and tell the story of Chinese stories together, China will definitely become a cockpit stone for world peace, prosperity and development.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group