Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua visited Vladivostok in Russia from September 4th to 5th to meet with Russian President Putin.On the surface, the interview was invited to attend the Ninth Oriental Economic Forum (EEF), but in fact, it contains Malaysia's multiple strategic considerations.

Anwar is the third Southeast Asian country leader who met Putin this year after the leaders of Vietnam and Indonesia.This series of conferences highlight the efforts of southern Asian countries in the international situation and seek balance.They are not willing to be regarded as a specific party in the confrontation between the Western camp and China and Russia headed by the United States, and hope to maintain autonomy in regional affairs.

The main goal of Anhua's visit to Russia is to win the Russian Russia of the BRICS country this year and support Malaysia to join the BRICS countries.This move not only shows Malaysia's neutral position, but also a key step in the balanced strategy.Looking back at Anhua's diplomatic schedule in the past three months, it is not difficult to see his determination: On the eve of June 18, he expressed his willingness to join the BRICS Group on the eve of June 18th, Li Qiang, who visited Malaysia.Received Russia and Brazil's foreign ministers, visited India and Russia from late August to early September, and in November also planned to visit Brazil.

Why is Malaysia so urgent to join the ranks of BRICS?The core reason is the demand for political risk aversion and diversification.

At the political level, after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, Malaysia highly "tirled" and supported Hamas's position in the Muslim world, and there was differences with Western countries, and even the possibility of being sanctioned by Western.Most of the members of the BRICS countries are "anti -US" or Muslim countries, just in line with the interests of the Malaysian government.Anhua believes that there is a chance to promote the connection of these countries on the "Tingba" position.

At the economic level, Malaysia hopes to expand new markets by joining the platform of BRICS, especially to expand trade with India and Russia, to reduce dependence on traditional Western trading partners.In particular, there are huge halal markets within the two countries.At the same time, the use of the base currency settlement of the BRICS countries can promote Malaysia to the US dollar in the US dollar, reduce the risk of foreign exchange fluctuations, and enhance the stability of the economic and Malaysian economy.

For Russia, Anwar visit is also a rare diplomatic opportunity.Since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has been facing sanctions and isolation in Western countries, and there are only a few leaders who are willing to meet Putin internationally.Many Southeast Asian countries that pursue neutral policies today seem to be a breakthrough in Russian diplomacy.

It is worth noting that Malaysia will take over as the Chairman of the Asian Danu value next year. Anwar hopes to enhance regional influence in this position and show their ambitions.Anwar's visits also accumulate foreign capital for the term of office of the chairman next year, while catering to the strategic needs of China and Russia to strengthen relations with Southeast Asian countries.In fact, Malaysia has matched the relationship between Russia and China to the Asian Simpan country after the Cold War. For example, the Malaysian government invited Russian representatives to attend the Asian Minister Ministerial Meeting in 1991, and the first informal meeting of "Asia Gyrner+3 (China, Japan and South Korea)" in 1997 wasKuala Lumpur was held.

Will it touch American sensitive nerves?

Nevertheless, whether Anwar's diplomatic abacus can be paid as expected, there are still many uncertainty.First of all, there is uncertainty in the process of expansion of the BRICS countries. Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov once said that most member states agreed to suspend the acceptance of new members.Whether the group will make an exception for Malaysia remains to be discussed in the BRICS Summit held in Kazan, Russia on October 22.Secondly, the meeting between Anwar and Putin may have already touched the sensitive nerves of the United States, and the US response is also worthy of close attention.

Overall, Anwar visit to Russia and the statement to join the BRICS country, reflecting that he tried to operate risk in the gap between the East and West camps, so as to benefit Malaysia in the competition between the two sides.His foreign policy is to use the United States to attach great importance to his personal and Malaysian strategic partnership. Based on the name of "neutral policy", he has established a deeper connection with China, Iran, Russia and other countries.

However, this game is not unilaterally dominated by Anwar, and China has obviously understood his strategy.This year coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China, but while Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang visited Malaysia, the two countries did not issue a joint communiqué, indicating that China still had doubts about Anwar.Anwar's active fight for joining the BRICS Group is more like a "investment name" he submitted to China.In the context of the increasingly fierce competition around the world, the success of Anwar's hedging diplomacy depends not only on the progress of the BRICS expansion, but also the tolerance of the United States and the West to its "neutral" policy.

The author is the Malaysian current affairs commentator