American technology giant Musk posted on the personal social media platform X, saying "the impressive 3A game from China! It seems inexplicable."The drawing is to replace the game's protagonist "Destiny" with his own face.Once this post was released, it caused heated discussion among netizens.

In the post, the game referred to Musk is a 3A game black myth developed by the Chinese company "Game Science": Goku.The game is based on Chinese classical Journey to the West.The game was officially released on August 20, and broke the number of online players in the global gaming platform Steam online players in less than five days. Within two weeks, global sales have exceeded 18 million copies, with a total revenue of more than 867 million US dollars (about 1132 million new.Yuan).

This phenomenon -level game first detonates Chinese social media, causing a wave of attention from China and abroad and from officials to the people.The mainstream hot search list is at the forefront of stone monkeys. The live broadcast of the live broadcast is frequently pushed to the mobile phone screen of the random browser.At the same time, it has also caused a wave in the field of consumer electronics. From graphics cards to the handle, from TV to notebooks, and even the travel, clothing, and new tea drinking industries have joined the ranks of joint names.PS5 game consoles are out of stock because of it.In the A -share market, all seemingly irrelevant concept stocks have also risen.

Someists believe that the motivation behind this is the resonance of national pride and cultural intimacy.On the social platform, a hot review is quite representative: "I used to gallop in the Sinai Desert, horizontal the European ocean, experienced American war, and sneaked in Egyptian tombs."Saint." Some people said, "In the past, we were addicted to overseas 3A games such as assassins in the battlefield.The road of heart was born that China finally had its own 3A game masterpiece. "

Yes, as the game is hot, even overseas players have begun to complain how to adjust the language of the game to English; more, in order to understand the plot, start studying the original Journey to the West.Even the official media, which has always been unsmiling, also participated in the discussion around 3A Qitian Dasheng with "cultural self -confidence".

I don't know how these thectors define "cultural self -confidence", but from the perspective of Chinese history, the official and civil society will be unusually tolerant.For example, in the Tang Dynasty in the Journey to the West, the official legal national religion was Taoism, but it did not reject foreign Buddhas, which was concentrated in the Journey to the West of the Novel.In the novel, we can see that people worship the Erlang Gods created by the literati, the Jade Emperor of the Taoist family and the Taishang Laojun, and the Buddha and Bodhisattva outside the worship.It can be seen that Chinese culture has a typical non -exclusion and tolerance.

The late historian and novelist Bai Yang mentioned a phenomenon in the book of Chinese History: "In the Tang Dynasty, the extent of being worshiped by various countries at that time was far more than the other two super powers."so?Bai Yang's analysis is, "The East Roman Empire and the Arab Empire are rejected by religion, and only China is compatible with various religions."

In fact, this tolerance can be described as long.From the pre -Qin period, in that long years, the hundreds of sons and hundreds of family exchanged and contended, and the culture was prosperous.At that time, people's consciousness did not discharge him, allowing the diversity of concept ecology.It is this tradition that the living water source of Chinese culture has developed a living water source of Hainan, compatible and storing, and profoundly affects China's national character and genes.It is also this powerful gene that makes Chinese culture have the ability to develop self -development, self -improvement, self -innovation, and self -improvement. It is also this ability to make Chinese culture grow long.

However, unfortunately, the great success in this cultural development process has also led to the situation that British historian Tang Yinby worried in historical research: After gaining great achievements, people seem to tend to be one by oneThe degradation of the spirit.This degeneration does not originate from fate, but because success often makes us lazy, complacent, and exaggerated, and then breeds a self -confined mentality.But what about the result?

In fact, from the beginning of the Emperor Hanwu, the development of Chinese culture has begun to recall between "open and inclusive" and "self -closed": once the society holds an open -tolerant, a hundred schools of contention, the country will inevitably bring the countryThe rise and prosperous; and in the prosperity, the whole society is easily falling into the only muddy mud, which is lined up everywhere, and the discharge of him everywhere is closed in the self -negative and self -negative, and eventually darkened.

This also deeply warns China today: open tolerance is good, and it is declining.Once self -closed, Chinese culture is easy to lose in mind imprisonment, outside the exchange of exchanges, and eventually falling behind in the world's general trend, it is difficult to stand up to the tide of the times.Because of this, I personally feel that when China borrows black myths: When Goku's popularity advocates promoting Chinese culture, it is necessary to reiterate the characteristics of its characteristics of "compatible and accumulating".

The author is a Chinese economist, a financial columnist