Singapore's ethnic group, religion and cultural diversity echo the spirit of dialogue advocated by the Pope, but he also pays attention to the social inequality brought by economic development, as well as the ethical issue of artificial intelligence in red technology.

After becoming a pope in 2013, when Fang Ji became the pope in 2013, when he debuted on the balcony of the Cathedral of Saint Boyu, he said to the church full of the square, "My Cardinal bishop brothers found me at the end of the world."As the first Pope from Latin America, Fang Ji's vision of each of the European central central theory, looking at the edge, insisted on going deep into the country when Argentina served as a cardinal.He said: "Going out is inevitable to increase the probability of car accidents. Instead of seeing the church suffering from the lesion of Gangbi, I would rather go out of the door."

Fang Ji was 87 years old. When he was young, he lost a lung lobe. Last year, he had abdominal surgery. He had canceled public activities due to respiratory tract infections. He did not listen to his knees, but his physical discomfort could not stop his will.After flying more than 30,000 kilometers, he arrived in Jakarta on September 3 to start his 45th international visits since he served as Pope. In addition to Indonesia, the itinerary also included Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.In the era of convenient online video, Fang Ji still believes that face -to -face and personality in person is the best way to get closer and increase understanding.

Fang Ji is also the first pope from Jesuit.When the Jesuit was founded in the 16th century, he showed great interest in Asia.Fang Ji also hoped to go to the Far East to preach. In 2013, he said on the first visit and returned from Brazil to Rome: "You must go to Asia." Then he visited South Korea in 2014.This time, it is not enough to come to the archipelago in the Far East. He has to go deep into the countryside. After meeting the dignitaries and clergy in the Pakistani capital Moolzi Port, he reached thousands of miles away with the support of the Royal Air Force in Australia, and he reached thousands of miles away.Vanimo, which borders Indonesia, brings medicines for this rainforest village without tap water and often power outages, encouraging Argentine missionaries in schools and nuns engaged in charity.

Fang Ji is also the first pope named in the name of "Fang Ji" to commemorate one of the founders of the Jesuit and the spirit of the missionary of the association. Francis Xavier.He came to India and Indonesia in the 16th century. When he was in Japan, he had a longing for China, but he died of infection in a small island near Guangdong before arriving in mainland China.Choosing the title Fang Ji is also a commemoration of San Fracesco, who was born in ASSISI, Italy 800 years ago.Not only does he advocate poverty, but also naturalists, he calls for respect for other creatures and cherish nature.Pope Fang Ji released his wish in 2015 to be praised -care about our common home, revealing that the current ecological crisis is closely related to poverty.Papua New Guinea, who is facing the severe challenge of climate change, said: "No to the excessive development of the common homeland, and the harmony of people and all things is."

Dialogue Diplomacy

Fang Ji's visits beyond the biography and pastoral spirit. In order to oppose terrorism in the name of religion, he promoted the dialogue between Catholicism and Muslim.Indonesia, who has the most Muslims, signed a joint statement with the Chiefs Chiefs of Jachars in Jakarta's Muslim.

The changes in geopolitics are related to the Global Catholic situation.As early as 2014, Fang Ji pointed out that the "Third World War of the Message" was underway. Before power competing for the global southern support, his care fell in a remote country outside the media radar.Destroyed Iraq and the Central African Republic, which is constantly civil war.In addition to the Russian and Ukraine War and Harbin conflict, there are many forgotten wars.Fang Ji advocated that he promoted peace through dialogue. He did not taboo to meet with Russian and Iranian leaders. He was criticized as a quickering and appeasement. However, he believed that peace cannot be achieved unilaterally, and the conversation must include people with different opinions.He said: "Dialogue does not mean compromise, but to build the future and step forward together."

Vatican, which is only about 0.5 square kilometers, is the smallest country in the world, but its influence cannot be underestimated.Leader.A diplomat described that he went to the Holy See "to find the Pope of the Catholic Church, not the king of the Vatican city."After the unity of Italy in the late 19th century, the Holy See retired to the Vatican, lost the army, and had no trade, but kept diplomatic; the diplomatic circle has passed through: the news of the Vatican is more spiritual than that of any country.The Holy See's diplomats are not well established, but the clergy and charity organizations, hospitals, and schools in each corner form a dense interpersonal and information network.

Although the location of the Vatican is in Europe, the universal church can naturally not ignore the large population in Asia.The Holy See Foreign Minister Grators said: "This is the cradle of dialogue." Singapore is the last stop of the Pope's Asia -Pacific trip. At the end of August, it was just a "cross -religious dialogue diplomacy with Vatican and Asia in Asia."The seminars discuss the importance of the diplomatic strategies of the other party in Asia.Singapore's ethnic, religious and cultural diversified echoing the spirit of dialogue advocated by the Pope, but he also pays attention to the social inequality brought by economic development, as well as the ethical issue of artificial intelligence in red technology.

Asia also has Francis in China.Mao Zedong expelled the Holy See's ambassador to China in 1951. The diplomatic relations between the two sides were cut off. The Holy See has always hoped to promote the normalization of Brahma's relations.In addition to solving the problem of long -term division of Chinese churches, the Holy See believes that with the rise of China, no international issues cannot ignore Beijing's opinions, from the Russian and Ukraine War to climate change.

The bishop signed by Brahma in 2018 will expire in October this year. Although there are criticisms, the two parties are likely to renew the contract; the continuous advancement of interaction has made Taiwan, which maintains diplomatic relations with the Holy See.When the Hong Kong Christians enthusiastically organized a group to Singapore to meet Fang Ji, Taiwan was embarrassing, and Fang Ji was worried that Fang Ji had re -entered the visit to Mongolia last year in Singapore.The noble Chinese presented the best blessings ", and extended an olive branch to Beijing in the air, looking forward to being able to set foot in Shenzhou next time he returned to Asia Pacific.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy