Former Prime Minister Wu Zuodong and Li Xianlong have personal care with Modi.From the newspaper published by the newspaper, Huang Xuncai and Modi's shoulders are traveling with each other. Looking at the smiles and laughing, the friendly relationship between the new printed leaders will continue.With Modi's new Indian Foreign Minister Su Jesheng, Modi said that Singapore has always had a special emotion.The fact is that the new side has spent a lot of effort to cultivate the relationship with India in recent years, contact feelings and build mutual trust.

Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Singapore, which obviously gave people a sense of guests.Seeing him and Huang Xuncai and two former prime ministers Wu Zuodong and Li Xianlong's laughter, and body language like old friends.In international occasions, especially the official visit of government leaders, we rarely see the performance of such a public occasion.

At the invitation of Prime Minister Huang, he officially visited Singapore for two days from September 4th. This is also the fifth time he has visited Singapore since he served as Indian Prime Minister. It is also the third official visit.The last visit was in 2018, when he also gave a keynote speech on Shangri -La dialogue.In addition to meeting his predecessors and current Prime Ministers, he also met with President Shangdaman and other cabinets, including two deputy prime ministers Wang Ruijie and Yan Jinyong. Although the itinerary was short and the content was compact.

The Prime Minister of the two countries announced on the September 5th meeting that he agreed to upgrade bilateral relations from strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership to reflect the commitment of further deepening and expanding bilateral relations between the two parties.Prior to this, we also noticed another news released on August 30 that Singapore Airlines announced that it has been approved by the Indian government and can directly invest in the expansion of Indian Airlines (Air India).This is part of the merger of 49%of the new airline holding company Taestara (Vistara) and Indian airlines.Does this indicate that Singapore Airlines may open another blue sky in India?

At the same time, the business development of the largest local bank DBS Group in India seems to have achieved good results, and the market market looks.At the end of 2020, the Central Bank of India and the Indian government approved the Star show Bank India to an annexed India Lakshmi Vilas Bank, which has merged into the debt crisis.Gao Bude, president of Star Show Group, said in September last year that Star Show is optimistic about India's development potential and plans to double India's business in the next five years.

This is just the two examples of new Indian economic and trade relations.Both sides affirmed the positive results brought by the Singapore -India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) signed by the two countries in 2005.Jaideep Mazumdar, the secretary of Eastern Affairs, described at a press conference that CECA brought "great results" to the two countries.Since the effectiveness of the agreement, the bilateral annual trade volume of the two countries has increased by more than 1.5 times from 20 billion yuan to 51.2 billion yuan in 2022.Singapore is currently the largest foreign investor in India. India's investment in Singapore also increased from 481 million yuan in 2004 to 25.3 billion yuan in 2022.

Wang Ruijie pointed out that the significance of this agreement is not only to deepen the economic connection between India and Singapore. Its greater value is to strengthen India and Asian economy in India and Asian economies as other protocols.connect.After the signing of CECA, Ya'an and India signed a cargo trade agreement in 2009, and in 2015 signed a service trade agreement and investment agreement.

In terms of economy and trade, traditional Singapore Chinese society pays much more attention to China than India. Therefore, some people are likely to ignore the business opportunities that India provides.If you have read Li Guangyao, published in 2013, you can know that the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao is not very optimistic about the economic development of India.Some people compare the may rise in India with China, but he believes that the two are very different. One is apple and the other is orange. It has essential differences and cannot turn apples into oranges.

Wu Zuodong has a wise eye for India

However, Wu Zuodong, who became the Prime Minister in 1990, was unique to India.At that time, the Indian government was also trying to reform. Singapore's extension of friendly tentacles was naturally welcomed, and Wu Zuodong himself was also respected by Indians. He believed that he set off a "India Fever" in Singapore.This is a monument.This time Modi's visit to Wu Zongdong did not forget to mention the "Indian boom", and the latter also wore a "Modi Vest" guest from Modi.

It should be said that Wu Zongdong's wisdom eyes laid a good foundation for the relatively close economic and trade relations today, and also made Singapore win the favor of the Indians.In the 1990s, including Lee Kuan Yew, no one expected that India would have a Modi who continuously governed so far in 2014. Wu Zongdong served as a state -owned capital after unloading the post of prime minister in 2004, and continued to shoulder the task of new seal development relationships.Visit New Delhi from time to time.After Li Xianlong took over, he continued this friendly relationship, so both had a personal friendship with Modi.From the newspaper published by the newspaper, Huang Xuncai and Modi's shoulders are traveling with each other. Looking at the smiles and laughing, the friendly relationship between the new printed leaders will continue.With Modi's new foreign minister, S Jaishankar, in an interview with the Strait Times, Modi always had a special emotion to Singapore.He also emphasized that the relationship between leaders is extremely important.The fact is that the new side has spent a lot of effort to cultivate the relationship with India in recent years, contact feelings and build mutual trust.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no variable at all.As we all know, India's politics is changing, and Modi can be rare for three consecutive consecutive.In the process of developing cooperative relations, the new seal actually experiences the risk of political changes.Many people may still remember the high -eye -attractive Anslabon capital project that appeared in 2014.In 2009, after 40 years of controversy, the Indian government agreedGannang was established in 2014.Antlabon lost the original capital and decided to build a new capital in Amaravati.

At that time, the chief minister of Andela, Jenndrabab Nadu to find Singapore.The consortium established by Xinfang has spent several years. In June 2018, it also officially signed the shareholders' agreement and franchise development agreement with the Amaravati New capital development zone.Unexpectedly, Nadu defeated in the election every other year. As soon as the new government came to power, he immediately announced the termination of the project of Xingxindu.Jiandu plans to die immediately, and it is unknown how much losses the new consortium suffers.

To be honest, no matter where you invest, there must be risks if you have the opportunity, and there is no exception in China.The earliest Suzhou Industrial Park is an example.At that time, the local government of Suzhou at that time was obviously unhappy because only 35%of the park (65%of the new party accounted for 65%), so he independently developed Suzhou New District and competed with the industrial park.Therefore, the development of this industrial park that originally wanted to be a model was not smooth.Singapore's consortium had to have a total of about 90 million US dollars in five consecutive years, and had to compromise with Suzhou, and the transfer of equity, that is, China has 65%and the new side is 35%.The 70 -square -kilometer land development plan, which was originally dominated by the new side, has also reduced to 8 square kilometers.This has only ended many years of toss.

However, China's political situation is relatively stable.In India, what changes will happen in the political situation in the future, but this is the risk of having to take the local investment.Singapore merchants investing in India have gradually increased. Among them, there must be winners and losers, and everyone can only eat one long and one wisdom.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress