When Prime Minister Huang Xuncai set up a luncheon to entertain the United Nations Secretary -General Guterres on September 2, Singapore would try to strengthen the support of the United Nations, including the bridge that continues to make suggestions for the United Nations, build communication, and promote the promotion ofSolve the problem.For example, he said that Singapore's small country forum in 1992 was one of Singapore's way of supporting the United Nations.As a small country, the international order based on international law is the most in line with Singapore's national interests, so it must give the greatest support.At the same time, Singapore must always be vigilant, deal with changing international geopolitics, and ensure the independence of diplomacy.

The United Nations is the most prominent representative agency of the international new order based on the spirit of the rule of law after World War II., Jointly form a mechanism for mediation to avoid war.This is the best manifestation of human modern civilization. From the strong and weakness between traditional tribes to the balanced strength between the empires, it can finally form theoretically the country does not distinguish between the country, which is equal.Out of control, to ensure that the world can maintain long -term relative peace and focus on developing economic people's livelihood.

Based on the new order of international law, bring peace dividends to the world after World War II, promote global economic cooperation, and enhance human welfare, which is particularly conducive to the survival and development of small countries such as Singapore.Singapore's diplomatic policy emphasizes that in accordance with international law, it is aware of the importance of the international order of rule of law represented by the United Nations.As the Foreign Minister Vivian said on August 27, at the Kenye Minister Forum at the National University of Singapore, Singapore's foreign policy is not to maintain neutrality, but always adheres to principles to ensure that all decisions meet the long -term interests of the country.Therefore, when Russia violates international law and invades neighboring Ukraine, Singapore sanctions Russia in accordance with the principles of rule of law without maintaining the so -called neutrality.

However, the premise of the state in accordance with the law, in addition to being more disadvantaged in the law, because the United States has endorsed the global overlord after World War II, and serves as the role of international police to protect the basic order.The US Navy's global patrol, cracking down on pirates and deterring other countries is one of the important conditions for global free trade.With the relatively weak US national situation -the US debt was high in the United States, and the interest paying the government bonds in 2024 has surpassed the defense expenditure -to maintain the global dominance, it is becoming more and more difficult.The Houthi armed forces that threaten the Honghai International Shipping can do whatever they want to reflect this dangerous trend.The slogan of the former President Trump's "Make the United States again" reflects the internal consciousness of retreating from international affairs; he sought a re -election, and even showed the strong motivation of this trend.

But the United States will not automatically arrest the hegemony after all.The new international change promoted by the United States and China, which is challenging the order.The WTO -type micro -micro -micro -in -Paris Agreement, China refused to recognize the Hague arbitration court on the Hague's arbitration on the sovereignty of the South China Sea, and the Russian President Putin, which was prosecuted by the International Criminal Court, was weakened in order.The Russian and Ukraine War and the Harbin conflict also showed that the foundation of the existing peaceful order has been shaken.The global economy's decoupling chain and countries have begun to increase military expenditure, international biochemical military control and the stagnation or even retreat of the nuclear disarmament agenda, all reflect the increasing sense of insecurity.

As the concept of civilization, although the order of international law is promoted to international cooperation and ensuring world peace, the country does not distinguish between equal value, and of course it cannot be perfect in practice.A vote veto of the five permanent councils of the United Nations Security Council reflects the cold reality that reflects the inequality of strength diplomatic.And from time to time, five times are ignored by international law for their own interests.Russia destroys Ukraine's sovereignty and hurts civilians without differences on the battlefield.The Russian and Ukraine War showed that once the international rule of law order, once the rule of law is disintegrated, the world has stepped back to the law of weak meat and strong food, and the biggest harm must be small countries.Therefore, Singapore must do its best to maintain the existing international system.

Singapore small nations and widows cannot affect the development of the international situation. They can only maintain flexible figures. On the one hand, they try their best to support the UN rule of law system. On the other hand, avoid becoming a tool of major powers, adhere to diplomatic independence and protect national interests.Diplomacy is the continuation of the internal affairs, which means that Chinese people must adhere to the policy of suffering from suffering, support national service, etc., while ensuring social harmony, prevent foreign forces from provoking racial relations or attempting to control government decisions.Only by maintaining unity of the whole people and maintaining the social stability of economic development, Singapore can take the wind and waves in the increasingly dangerous international environment.