The presidential election in the United States will be the key election of the United States to find future directions, and its results will also affect the development of Sino -US relations.If the Democratic presidential candidate Harris wins, Sino -US relations may move towards some new normal and re -conceptualize; the Republican Trump is elected, China and the United States will fight against each other again, and the relationship between the two countries will be delayed again.

Director of the Strategic and Security Research Center of Tsinghua University and professor of the Department of International Relations Da Wei on Tuesday (September 3) at the Joint Morning Post in the Asian Foreign -looking Summit in the morning, "Published a keynote speech.

Da Wei said that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have commonality, and both parties say goodbye to neo -liberalism and move towards nationalism and populism.At the same time, the two parties are also different, such as the Democratic Party's expectations than the Republican Party.

Da Wei said that such differences, as well as the results of the presidential election in the United States to a large extent, will largely influence how long China and the United States can move towards stability, and how to stabilize.Different scenarios.

According to Da Wei's analysis, the first possible scene was the Democratic Presidential candidate Harris wins. Sino -US relations may move towards some new normal and re -conceptualization.The current stability of Sino -US relations will be extended, and the "crossfire line" of economy and security will gradually become clear.

The second scene is that the Republican Trump is elected, China and the United States will fight again, and the relationship between the two countries will be delayed again.The new round of trade war and scientific and technological warfare may be staged, and civil exchanges are expected to be blocked again, which will inevitably lead to China's counterattack and the upgrade of the two sides.

However, Dawei believes that the return of Sino -US relations to stability is still possible, but the process will be postponed. It may take five years, 10 years or more, but the two countries will eventually find a common way to get along.

He said that in the process of the game of a big country, the countries that make fewer mistakes will persist to the end, but he hopes that China and the United States will make less mistakes, and both countries will have developed well, so that the whole country, including Southeast Asian countriesThe world benefits together and finds a new dynamic balance in the new international environment to stabilize Sino -US relations, so that international politics can also stabilize.

The United Morning Post of Asia's Foreign -looking Summit is presented by Overseas Chinese Bank's honor. ThinkChina, an English -e -magazine under the Morning Post, supports the media.