Perhaps because the world -class comprehensive war has been away from us for too long, or maybe because the war and conflict around the world have continued, it can no longer stimulate our nerves. When people discuss war and conflict todayIt is regarded as an abnormal event in human history, but it has the trend of "common meals".If this trend continues, we will not be able to learn lessons from the tragedy of the war, and the tragedy will continue to be staged.

Looking back at the first few years of the 1920s, in addition to natural disasters such as crown disease, the other can be so fierce that can affect human society and stimulate the international community's nerves. I am afraid that there is only war.

The Russian and Ukraine War that broke out in 2022 was officially launched, attracting global attention due to the high -profile warning of the United States. With the official outbreak of the war, a series of actions and data such as military and civilian casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and international sanctions.Further stimulate the nerves of the international community.

However, with the gradually stable impact of Russia and Ukraine's spillover on the battlefield, the international community is no longer willing to invest so much attention for the war until the outbreak of a new conflict.In October 2023, the Harbon conflict broke out, and once again stimulated the nerves of the international community in an explosive manner.However, from the results, the outbreak, sustainability and losses of the two wars did not stimulate the international community to resolve them peacefully in the way of wisdom; the war is still ongoing and the casualties are still continuing.

Whether in literature or historical records, the war is always cruel and cannot be tolerated by human society. War and conflict have always been an abnormal event in human society. Philosophers and politicians are always trying to "one -forces forever".Solving the war, although it is always futile.The current reality is that when people talk about war, they always unconsciously think of Russia and Ukraine, but whether it is the Russian and Ukraine Battlefield or the Sand Strip, they seem to be too far from us.Numbers, and war may be desertinate in the nerves of human society in this way.

What is important to be sensitive to war?

Stressingness is one of the basic characteristics of creatures. It refers to the reaction of organisms to the external stimulus, mainly manifested as tending to stimulate and avoid harmful stimuli.Human society can be regarded as a huge organic life body, and society is also metabolism and responds to various internal and external stimuli.

War is undoubtedly a harmful stimulus for human society.Although the results of the war are not always negative, the positive results always appear after the end of the war, and the war process is always cruel.The key to whether society can avoid the harmful stimulus of war and respond in a timely manner is the sensitivity of members of society.If a society no longer keeps sensitive to the war, it will not respond to the potential risk of war, and the outbreak of the war is not far.At the same time, it is sensitive to war, and it will also make the society actively expect the process of war and results; numbness to the war will only cause the war process and results to lose control.

War is an abnormal event of human society, and itself represents a destruction of social order.Although order is developed in contradictory movements, the war itself means that the development of contradictions has reached an extremely intense level. Once it exceeds a certain limit, society will have a disorderly risk.The "natural state" of British thinker Thomas Hobbes, "Everyone opposes everyone", may become a reality.

Therefore, the sensitivity to the war is also the observance and expectations of order, and the vigilance of anomalous events is also the pursuit of normal order.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute