Different cultures look at the context of their own.

As a foreigner who went to Singapore, I heard the speech of the National Day Congress of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai.

Huang Xuncai cleverly compared the integration of Singapore to an authentic Hainan curry rice, which made me who lived in Hainan.Like the forest, it has nothing to do with Chongqing.This is the power of Singapore. I invented this dish by myself, but do not want to be "famous". It is called Hainan, so that the Chinese and Indians who love currys have a kind taste.

In the eyes of anxious Chinese people, Singapore is very slow, like Qian Zhongshu's slow bells around the city, like Zhang Ailing's puppet Huqin, regardless of his rhythm.

Compared with China, which is constantly innovating in cultural life today, Singaporea's society is indeed slow.The lifestyle here seems to be 10 years or more.Restaurant and clothing stores in Singapore Shopping Malls, as well as popular entertainment and cultural activities, seem to be popular in China more than ten years ago.There was a Christmas party who participated in the local chamber of commerce, the on -site decorative atmosphere with a sense of age, and the karaoke songs, which can directly invite Chinese well -known director Jia Zhangke to shoot movies that reflect Chinese in the 1990s.Seeing the scene photos of Li Zizheng or Premier Huang's participation in people's activities in newspapers are similar to simplicity.

However, slow has become the advantage of Singapore: there is no such heavy anxiety, and society will not be suffocated. It will not be emotionally out of control in public in public as in Chinese social news reports.A few days ago, the news of several store employees in Chinese chain coffee shops, the news that the employees of the stores were out of control and physical conflict with the customer were the mapping of the current Chinese anxiety reaching the peak.

I chatted with a private banking employee from Hong Kong from Hong Kong. She was still busy like Singapore in Hong Kong and had no time to know about local culture and food.She asked me very dedicatedly that she didn't think Singapore's private banks were a bit backward than Hong Kong?I said that the word "backward" cannot be used, which may be your idea in Hong Kong.In fact, whether in Hong Kong, Singapore, or London, the bank is the same bank, but it is just different regional branches.Different financial supervision in various places, branches in various places naturally operate under local supervision, without advanced and backward differences.Your so -called backwardness may just be that you feel that Hong Kong's supervision is more integrated, and Singapore is more harsh.

She thought about it and said, would you feel that the attitude of Singapore's bank practitioners is not professional enough?I laughed and said, "It's like you think the smarter girls, the more men like it; in fact, not necessarily, sometimes men may prefer stupid girls."

I don't want to defeat her in the debate, I just want to convey: if you look at the problem from another angle, whether it is a bank staff or a bank customer, you may better understand and integrate into the local business culture.

Respect local cultural trust local experience

The perspective of different cultures must first leave the context of their own.

I have seen a relatively successful Chinese enterprise in Singapore. They have common points to respect and learn local business culture, fully trust the local experience of local employees, and do not interfere.For example, after China Galaxy Securities acquired Lianchang Securities controlling stake in Malaysia in 2018, it completed the acquisition of 100%equity of Lianchang Securities in early 2024.I went to Lianchang Securities Office. This company did not have any signs of acquisition of Chinese companies. The person in charge of my reception was a non -east and South Asian black.Obviously this acquisition is very successful. With the rise of the rise of Southeast Asia, Lianchang Securities has developed well in recent years.The Chinese personnel of Galaxy Securities said to me: "We don't intervene in. This securities company has changed several shareholders, but CEO has never changed it."However, many Chinese companies always like to use Chinese ideas to do business in Singapore. Regardless of local rules, the results have increased a lot of internal consumption. They also make business models into four dislikes and did not win the local market.

Lao Tzu said: "Govern the big country like cooking small freshness", less stirring and interference, so as not to make a delicious flavor.Many Chinese state -owned enterprises in many industries are therefore more stable than private enterprises overseas, such as Singapore's China Mobile, Bank of China, Galaxy Securities, etc., because state -owned enterprises naturally have no anxiety, internal rolls, and the accompanying anxiety of being anxious to ask for demand.become.

The original meaning of returning to Lao Tzu's ruling country is really a kind of happiness to manage a small and beautiful country.American writer John Curtis Perry said in Singapore: Incredible rise said that Singapore's success is not destined to hit, small is the weakness of Singapore, but it can also become an advantage.

Slow, small, and the most difficult to learn

China and the United States have long been a strong culture and great country thinking, but Singapore is a weak cultural situation. It has established the world with the idea of ​​survival in the small country.Singapore's independent destiny is not sacrificed by bleeding as China, but as John Perry said, "unexpectedly coming on it."Singapore has done a good trend -you can say that Singaporeans have an indisputable philosophical wisdom. Today, people admire the greatness of Lee Kuan Yew, because he has won the greatest freedom and happiness for the people of the Singapore.

In contrast to Hong Kong and Singapore, Hong Kong in the past, Hong Kong people always anxiously stated that they did not accept and oppose them. As a result, the conflict was only created more problems and follow -up.The Singaporeans have long accepted and accepted and accepted and accepted. Even if we use our foreign experience to criticize them, they rarely see their direct refutation.In the face of such a good attitude, you can easily remove your weapons and have a good impression.No dispute is also the advantage of Singapore.

Singaporeans also seem to know that they do not have a strong personality, and make a joke.When I rented a house, I encountered a very enthusiastic local intermediary. He took me through the corridor of the apartment, and the dog next to him rushed us to bark, scaring my soul.He smiled at me and said, "It's okay, the dog in Singapore, you know." Such a generous teased his nationality and laughed at me.

Singapore has been in China for a long time.The mayor of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, which began in the 1990s, was not a vain.However, due to the different economic cycles and the differences in the scale of land and population, China is not at the time of learning Singapore.Strong culture and weak culture, rolling culture and lying culture are originally a clear control and collision."The world is weak than water, and the strong who is strong can win." Singapore's slowness, small, and unsuccessful is the most difficult and ultimate way to learn.

The author is a financial writer, a local financial institution practitioner