A few days ago, a record of "supporting a company, I have no ability, It's too simple to do a company" and "50 million political achievements each year" were reposted a lot.

According to upstream news reports, The statement is the law enforcement officer of the Chengwu County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shandong Province, in the case of the case, communicating with the enterprise involved in the case. In response, Zhang, an involved law enforcement officer, responded that it was the company's disconnection, and It has been dealt with for improper remarks .

The staff of the relevant local departments responded that Zhang has been transferred from the post for investigation, and other situations are still under investigation.

In the process of handling case -related cases, actually said such a "thunder and thunder", it was too bad. The waywardness and lust of power can be said to be exposed.Although Zhang argued that the remark was "disconnected and righteous", but more recording content, such as the suspected fine quota and the company involved in the company, "bargaining", and emphasizing that there is a "fine achievement".People are convinced.

Indeed, it is easy for enterprises to develop, and improper power exercises cannot be underestimated by the "destructive power" of the enterprise.As a law enforcement, since he understands this layer of truth, should be cautious and enforcement, instead of threatening or even "control" enterprises at will .Unfortunately, the factions displayed by the law enforcement in this matter are obviously closer to the latter.

In fact, the "thunder" of this law enforcement also reflects a realistic power mentality. The corresponding subtext word is nothing more than. In front of the enterprise, the law enforcement has too much "legal damage right", as Zhang said in the recording, "grab a little problem, enlarge the company as soon as this company must be enlarged, it is necessary to enlarge this company.It's over ".And this may not be completely fiction.Therefore, enterprises must obey authority and let them go.

In recent years, a series of standardized documents and governance measures have been introduced from the country to the local levels of the business environment for the development of the private economy and the establishment of a business environment of the rule of law.In the chaos dedicated to correction, it includes such a mentality of law enforcement.

For example, just last month, the General Office of the Shandong Provincial Government's Office specifically issued a clear requirement for further standardizing the continuous optimization of the business environment involving enterprises involving enterprises involved in enterprises involving enterprises.Abuse and punishment of lightning, law enforcement, over -law enforcement, excessive law enforcement and other behaviors.It also emphasized that it is necessary to seriously investigate the violations of laws and disciplines and laws in the aspects of "willful enforcement" and "random enforcement".

In the context of

, the true feelings of the law enforcement "Thunder", which can be said to hit the muzzle. At the same time, it also shows that it is reality to regulate the administrative law enforcement behavior of enterprises and optimize the task of optimizing the business environment .Essence

In addition, the recording of this matter also involves the details of "fines of fines", which is also worth noting.As we all know, it is strictly forbidden to set up fines for fines and punishment for penalties.With the current increase in financial pressure on local governments, it is necessary to highlight the "looking up" of this approach, and be alert to the obscure and psychological psychological psychological psychology and psychological psychology.

In this regard, Whether there is really a "50 million (fine) political achievement" in the recording in the local area, it also needs relevant departments to give a clear response on the basis of serious investigation.

As a typical reverse, "I have no ability to support a company, and it is too simple to do a business."But reflection on this matter cannot be at the individual level.

How to reshape the deformed law enforcement mentality behind the "Lei language", and further, how to ensure that the law enforcement power exercises within the boundary of the rule of law, and completely eliminate a willful law enforcement.The possibility, such a pursuit, is particularly realistic at the moment.

Writing/Editor Min Xiao/Xu Qiuying School Division/Jia Ning