Source: China News Agency

With extreme heavy rain floods and secondary disasters such as landslides and mudslides, the recent damage to transportation infrastructure in China has caused multiple highways collapse.China News Agency's latest China News Weekly experts pointed out that in addition to improving flood control facilities, more fundamental "upgrade" is the design flood control standard for updating highways and bridges.

Affected by extreme weather, the collapse of highway collapse in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Sichuan.The three incidents have a certain commonality: they all occurred in the mountains, and at the same time encountered extreme rain and floods, and secondary disasters such as landslides and mudslides occurred.

A number of traffic experts emphasized that the original point of all challenges faced by Chinese highways in response to extreme weather is "a large face and a wide range of precise prevention and control."Peng Weibing, a professor at the School of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, pointed out that when such a large -volume highway hit extreme weather, and then superimposed multiple factors such as low construction levels or construction defects in the early days.It will increase.

The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" national key special project "Land Transport Infrastructure Toughness Enhancemental Raise Combination Key Technology" project leader Huang Xiaoming said that the existing highway bridge, from the perspective of extreme weather, still has a lot of room for improvement in toughness.EssenceAt the same time, it is necessary to combine local conditions to take more targeted drainage and flood prevention measures.

With the acceleration of global climate change, the rearrassment of floods calculated based on historical data can no longer reflect the current situation.In addition to improving flood control facilities, many experts suggest that more fundamental "upgrade" is the design flood control standard for updating highways and bridges.

A disaster prevention and mitigation expert who is unwilling to be named in the field of transportation believes that in order to cope with the impact of climate change on traffic facilities, new data in the region need to rolling the risk of floods and update the design of floods and water levels."We should now review it again. Whether the existing roads and bridges have reached the standard."

Highway and bridge collapse accidents usually have a sign.On the slope of 1 kilometer away from the collapse of Guangdong Meida's high speed, there are also five global navigation satellite system (GNSS) slope displacement monitoring equipment.But obviously, this set of advanced technical tools failed to play a role.

Zhang Xing, an expert in a certain mining company rock and soil engineering, said that on the one hand, GNSS equipment is exposed to the wild environment all year round, and it is prone to damage; on the other hand, how much the displacement is monitored to issue an alert, in reality, it is a one in reality.difficulty.

Compared with complex slope monitoring, the pre -downturn monitoring and early warning of the bridge is less difficult.Peng Weibing said that if the displacement monitor found that the pier and the bridge have continued to displacement, it means that there is a risk of collapse."Most bridges have warning windows during the signs of signs, and they are a few hours long and a few minutes."

A number of experts point out that in the face of extreme weather, the small and medium bridges in the Chinese bridge are the weakest part of the small and medium bridge in the Yamashi -Yichang area. They urgently need to strengthen monitoring.

A survey issued by the Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport in 2023 shows that the gap between highway maintenance funds since the "13th Five -Year Plan" has been more than 100 billion yuan per year.At the same time, in 2021, the proportion of high -level highways in the country's second and above highways exceeded 50 % of the road age of more than 15 years, and the proportion of road age 20 or more reached 32.3 %.Experts said that the frequency of extreme weather will lead to further increased maintenance difficulties and costs, and under the superimposition of factors such as "aging" accelerated on the road, the gap of maintenance funds will continue to expand.

Peng Wei Bing suggested that local governments should incorporate maintenance management into the government assessment system.Infrastructure has driven the logic of the economy, and maintenance may not be indispensable. Through intelligent maintenance, it can also drive a series of new infrastructure development such as big data, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet. If maintenance can become an industrial chain, local maintenance will pay more attention to maintenance.