In June this year, about 1.3 million households received the fifth round of the 300 yuan community council neighboring shopping vouchers.In July, more than 950,000 households residents obtained the second round of water and electricity costs and miscellaneous fees for the second round of the Treasury of Finance.In August, approximately 1.5 million Singapore citizens will receive consumer tax subsidy vouchers ranging from 450 yuan to 850 yuan, and about 650,000 elderly citizens will also receive up to 450 yuan of health savings.Next month (September), more than 2.4 million Chinese people will receive special subsidies ranging from 200 to 400 yuan.

Under the careful arrangement of the Ministry of Finance, the low and medium -income class can obtain government allowances almost every month to alleviate the pressure of living expenses.In the 2024 fiscal year, it will be distributed in four times to the eligibility for a total of 950 yuan of water and electricity fees.A statement of the Ministry of Finance pointed out that this allowance can offset the water and electricity costs of the first -bedroom or two -bedroom houses for about eight months; the three -bedroom or four -bedroom residents can offset the water and electricity costs of about four months.

On the other hand, after the government issued a club shopping voucher in January and June this year, it will issue a 300 yuan neighborhood shopping voucher again in January next year.The general allowance of Lin Lin reflects the tremendous pressure brought by inflation, and also shows the government's investment and efforts made by the government's pressure on living expenses.

The outbreak and geopolitical contradictions of the crown disease have caused the global supply chain to break and push the price of products and services.On February 24, 2022, the outbreak of the Russian and Uchians broke out, disrupting the energy and farm and grain market, and putting pressure on most economies in the world to face high inflation.Singapore is not spared, and the overall inflation rate has soared from 0.6%in 2019 before the epidemic to 6.1%in 2022.The pressure of living expenses that people feel is higher than inflation data.

In 2020, the government launched a total value and assistance of 6 billion yuan.In the next few years, it has continued to increase this supporting facilities, and it has exceeded 10 billion yuan.The fourth -generation leader promises to do his best to help Chinese people deal with the pressure of rising living expenses.

For many Chinese people who face the pressure of living expenses, especially the low -income class, the government's recurring allowance can be said to be raining in time.The fourth -generation leader created a tolerance society and the ambitious desire of the low -income class, which also made the people feel relieved.

Although global inflation has signs of slowing down, it is rarely reduced after rising items and services.This means that the pressure of living expenses of Chinese people has continued to increase.The rapid changes in technology affect the landscape of the workplace.Many middle -aged employees are facing the problem of incoming rice bowl.In addition, retirees may underestimate the momentum of rising living expenses and fall into the dilemma of insufficient money.As a result, the government continues to face the pressure of fiscal transfer.

Even so, the government's various subsidies launched by the pressure of living expenses are a very solution to cope with the excellent period. It should not be considered as a natural or normal.The spirit of pushing Singapore to welfare -welfare landslides.The experience of developed countries shows that once it is trapped in welfareism, it is difficult to extricate itself; and to get rid of welfareism, it is necessary to pay a huge political price.

When people think of government allowances, once they lose, they will have the psychology of being deprived.This may lead to populism in political parties, and politicians are more generous.From an economic point of view, the government allowance of Lin Lin may also induce advanced and unnecessary consumption to exacerbate inflation pressure.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Singapore has pursued prudent fiscal policies.Enterprises and Chinese people should have the same cognition and understanding of government allowances.As the saying goes, wool is on the sheep, and the financial burden of government allowances will eventually be borne by taxpayers and consumers.

Singapore is an export -oriented economy and is deeply impacted by global inflation.Even so, there is still some room for curbing inflation from the source.The Singapore Financial Authority continued to appreciate Xinyuan and slow down the input -type inflation pressure.In China, if officials can increase their efforts, control operating costs, and the increase in legal charges, it will also help curb the inflation of cost promotion.The operating costs are controlled, and the price of products and service prices can be avoided, reducing the investment in government allowances.

Government assistance is to alleviate the pressure of living expenses. It is necessary for Chinese people to plan and use these allowances carefully to reduce advanced consumption and available expenses.Although the overall inflation rate is falling, the price of food, energy and service is continuing to be high, and the purchasing power of currency is corroded.It is necessary for Chinese people to plan ahead and be safe.

The government's non -abandoned commitment and financial assistance relieved part of the anxiety of the Chinese people.However, the global geopolitical and economic environment is highly unstable, the return on investment is not proportional to the risk, and the prudent public fiscal policy restricts the government's continuous space for continuously putting on a large amount of allowance.Under the momentum of global populism, the government needs to ensure the pressure of financial assistance and will not push Singapore to the abyss of welfare.