The Paris Olympics ended, and the discussion on competitive sports became a hot spot.Some scholars believe that competitive sports is a war in peacetime; and some scholars have pointed out that the Olympic Games is a peaceful war between the country. From the number of medals, it can be seen that the national strength is seen, and the role of competitive sports must not be underestimated.

Indeed, competitive sports is a concentrated manifestation of national scientific and technological strength.In order to cultivate competitive professional talents, some countries spend huge sums of money and set up special scientific research institutions in order to win medals in international competitions.

From the various advanced electronic equipment used in sports training, to the various drugs that improve their results in sports competitions, it is not difficult for people to find that competitive sports is closely related to technology.When athletes in some countries use drugs that increase lung volume and the entire face becomes purple, when some countries have obtained the qualifications of the organizing committee through various measures to avoid the various inspections of the organizing committee, it is not difficult for people to find that competitive sports is actually actually competitive sports.Special competition for scientific and technological innovation.For those scientific and technological innovation, large sports competitions are just an excellent opportunity to fully display scientific and technological achievements.

However, we must not help but point out that competitive sports has already violated the original intention of developing sports.First of all, the development of competitive sports is to stimulate fighting spirit and improve national quality.However, in some countries, competitive sports have become a patent of a few people, the threshold is getting higher and higher, and the cost is getting bigger and bigger. Instead, it cannot improve the quality of the national and strengthen the body.

The author has published an article that emphasized that competitive sports and national honor should not be tied together.Unfortunately, because competitive sports can move their attention to a certain extent and inspire national enthusiasm, some countries are used to developing competitive sports to achieve political purposes.

Competitive sports can neither comprehensively improve the quality of the people, nor can it truly achieve the purpose of exercise. Instead, those scarred professional athletes have achieved competition results according to the rules on the field.How positive effects do such competitive sports are worth considering.

Secondly, the development of competitive sports has gone astray.Commercialization has led to the development of competitive sports, and many incredible phenomena have occurred.In order to gain reputation, some companies sponsored sports competitions.On the one hand, they increased their investment to help them sponsor athletes to achieve excellent results in the competition; on the other hand, they can obtain unfair interests through other methods.In some countries, competitive sports gambling phenomenon is very common.In order to obtain rich profits, some gambling groups manipulated the results of the game, and the results caused competitive sports to become false performances.In some countries, the results can be arranged in advance.

After the commercialization of competitive sports, the disadvantages arising into are difficult.If the development direction is not changed and the interest group is abducted. In order to operate the business interests, the results of the game will be determined, and competitive sports will completely lose the value of ornamental.

Third, competitive sports itself is also a "big household" with resource consumption.Many people are doing their homes in order to cultivate professional athletes.On the road of competitive sports, a special industrial chain is formed.In some countries, in order to develop competitive sports, the state's financial allocation has raised a large number of bureaucrats.Some scholars have analyzed that behind a gold medal is the country's investment of billions of yuan.It can be imagined that if these funds are put into the sports sports and improving community sports facilities will play a very important role in the health of residents.

Of course, the development of competitive sports objectively drives the growth of mass sports.This "advertising effect" is common in many countries.However, it must be pointed out that after people enthusiastically ebb, they must consider practical issues.A large amount of funds are used to build large sports facilities, and how much sports resources that ordinary residents can occupy are self -evident.It can be said frankly that the large -scale sports venues built by the country are rarely opened to ordinary residents.Commercial sports competitions have benefited a few people from it, and for most residents, it is expected to be incompatible.

Fourth, after a large sports competition, a beautiful sports building is left.However, maintaining these sports facilities requires more financial funds.Although some countries implement a commercial business model, what kind of benefits can be brought to ordinary residents in the exercise of professional sports competitions, I believe it is not difficult to make judgments.

Any city that holds large sports competitions often can achieve cities update and transformation, and the degree of modernization is higher.However, the residents who live in these cities can obtain how much benefits can be obtained, and I believe that residents themselves know.

China's development of sports must put mass sports in the first place, fully draw on the advanced experience of some countries, and select talented young people to engage in special sports competitions.However, in this process, the government should reduce fiscal expenditure, avoid the occurrence of bureaucracy and rights and money transactions as much as possible to prevent the continuous spread of corruption.

China has achieved excellent results in competitive sports competitions.However, standing on the top of the high mountain cannot be "at a glance", but should be calm, deeply reflect on the development direction of China's sports, take practical measures to improve the quality of the whole people.

The author is a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law