Ukraine continues to cross the Vietnam Action Army that the Russian territory has occupied 1,000 square kilometers of Russian territory. On August 13, 2024,

Ukraine counterattacked Russian territory on August 6, which not only surprised Moscow, but also made Ukraine and observe from the outside world.The people in the war were surprised.

The Ukraine front has been extended to 1,000 kilometers, why do Kiev still launch this bold attack?In the past week, the Russian military is still trying to curb the invasion, but the logic behind this operation has begun to emerge.

The following is the five key issues about the latest development of the Ukrainian war, which may affect the situation in the next few months.

What happened to Kurusk?

On August 6, the Ukrainian army assaulted into Kurusk with the Russian border area.Reliable information about the scale of this attack is rare.

Initially, this operation looked the same as the intermittent sexual assault operation of Russia who opposed the Putin government earlier.They tried to enter Russia from Ukraine and seemed to be hundreds of Russian people.

But as the attack further penetrated the Russian territory, it showed that conventional Ukraine forces participated.Some Russian military blogs reported that at a fierce battle about 30 kilometers from the border, the governor of the Kurusk area told President Putin that 28 Russian villages fell into the hands of Ukraine.

The Russian and Ukraine War: Zeleiski confirmed that the Ukrainian army was advanced to Russia's combat.Ukraine decided to use the weak border to enter Russia.

Agence France -Presse quoted a unnamed Ukrainian senior security officer, "We are attacking. The purpose is to eliminate the enemy's front, cause the biggest loss, and destroy the stability of Russia because they cannot protect themselves.Border.

Why attacked the Kurusk area?

Kiev initially attacked the guardian, and it was not until August 10 that President Zelezzki publicly acknowledged him.It is called Ukraine to continue to "push the war to the territory of the aggressor."

He did not explain the reasons or goals of the operation, but on August 12, Ukradon announced that it had controlled Russian territory of about 1,000 square kilometers.

Military and political experts are analyzing "why". Most of them agree that tactical dispersion may be one of the main purpose of this counterattack.

In the past few months, Ukraine has worked hard to curb the Russian army in Udong, but the Russian army has continued to advance, and last month occupied the strategic town Chasiv Yar.In the northeast and south, the situation is also difficult.

On a 1,100 -kilometer -long front, Ukraine's troops and firepower are far behind Russia, but Ukraine still decides to risk to create a war hotspot hundreds of kilometers away, allowing the opponent to disperse, and partial pressure from the pressure from the pressure.Wudong metastasized to the Kurusk area in Russia.

Professor Mark Galeotti, a security expert, told BBC that Ukraine has been trapped in war in the past few months, and there is no movement on the ground. Now you need adventure to obtain an advantage.

A Ukrainian commander also described this as a gambling when he was interviewed by an economist.

But he pointed out that the return of this gambling is not as fast as Kiev.

"Their commander is not an idiot ... they are mobilizing the troops, but they are not as fast as we think. They know that we cannot extend the logistics 80 or 100 kilometers."

How does Russia react?

For the counterattack of Ukraine, the Russian propaganda department quickly advertised Russia's response as "counter -terrorism action".

The authorities required up to 121,000 people to withdraw from the Kursk region, and another 11,000 people evacuated from the neighboring Belgrod region.The region has entered the Federal emergency state, and the government provides local residents with a $ 115 personal economic compensation.

General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian Army, said many times last week that Ukraine's invasion has stopped, but there is the opposite evidence in the local area.

It is worth noting that General Gracimov did not attend the recent meeting of the Russian Security Council hosted by Putin, which was held specifically to resolve the crisis.On the other hand, Alexander Bortnikov, one of Putin, one of Putin, one of Putin's most intimate ally and the head of the Russian Security Agency, attended the meeting.

In the latest statement of the incident, President Putin accused Ukraine on attacking civilians and vowed to take "due response".

Professor Galaiio said that Ukraine did face the risk of severe revenge. "Putin may mobilize another wave of waves to bring hundreds of thousands of soldiers into his armed forces."

He added that Russia may find other ways to upgrade the conflict.

In recent months, Ukraine's energy infrastructure has been destroyed by Russia, and most infrastructure has been destroyed or partially damaged.This bombing may become more serious.

Is the Russian and Ukraine War reversing?

Ukraine's counterattack Russia seems easy, but we must look at the overall situation, which does not mean that the war will end soon.

Professor Galati said: "This is a area of ​​about 50 miles by 20 miles, and it is insignificant in the size of Russia and Ukraine. But political influence is much more important."

Analysts believe that Ukraine is eager to show Western allies, especially the United States, and their army can continue to fight.This also temporarily strengthened Kiev's negotiation ability: their army is 30 kilometers in Russia, and Moscow seems to be unlikely to accept suggestions to freeze the battle line in the current position.

This counterattack also changed the Russian view of the war. This is no longer a distant "special military operation", but the development of directly influence.

Sarah Rainsford, a BBC reporter in Eastern Europe, said: "Look at some reports in the Kurusk region, even if the Russian media are strictly controlled, it is clear that some people are questioning doubts"

How does it affect Putin and Zeleki?

For Russian and Ukraine leaders, this is the decisive moment of their respective presidential term.

Putin's authoritarian and not flexible, I am used to relying on their core circles, especially the security department. This situation has brought him a huge challenge to him.The scale of the Russian military casualties is becoming more and more difficult to hide, and tens of thousands of Russian people are displaced. This makes it difficult for the Kremlin to maintain its overall image and the Russian and Ukraine War is not a comprehensive war.

Professor Galati said: "Every time it adds more and more sand and gravel to the Kremlin's propaganda machine."

"We have seen this situation in the past war. From the Soviet Union's war in Afghanistan to the war of Russia in Chechen, the Kremlin can maintain a certain discussion, but after a while, more and more reality emerged more and more."<" <"/p>

For Zellennki, this counterattack may be equally tricky, but the reason is different.

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Analyst Emil Kastehelmi said that for Ukraine, the best results for UkraineIt will be Russia's "at the expense of losses, mix a large amount of resources from the most critical places, and recapture the Russian territory of each square kilometer."

Although this will boost the morale of the Ukraine in the short term, it may lead to greater territorial loss in the eastern region. The frontline battles in these regions are still fierce.Essence

Professor Galaiio said that the current deadlock needs some breakthroughs to promote the development of the situation.Although the breakthrough is ongoing, the results are not clear.