According to the political needs, the strict fights are classified in China.Britain is the first constitutional country in the world, and modern capitalist civilization has originally born. The authoritarian tendency of the Labor Government in terms of speech control is particularly eye -catching.

The old capitalist empire of the United Kingdom finally fell into the mud.This time the British riots originated from anti -immigrants, but because of the misunderstanding of the murderer's identity, it was guided by British officials and social elites in the direction of remarks.One of the main reasons for Brexit was the EU immigration policy.However, after Brexit, British immigrants have not increased. In just 2022, the number of net immigrants increased by 750,000 (according to the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC), and they were all legal immigrants.on the contrary.Now that we have changed the ruling party, and the anti -immigrant remarks are even sentenced.A country said on the issue of immigration and accumulated problems.

On July 29th, in a dance class with a popular artist Taylor in Nangang, Nangang, northern England, a man had a riots in multiple cities after a knife chopped to kill three girls.As of August 9, nearly 600 people have been arrested for riots, more than 150 people have been tried in court, and more than 50 people have been sentenced or waiting for judgment.The court accelerated the trial of violent riots. On the 9th alone, many people were sentenced to 20 months to two years in prison for publishing racial hatred and inciting riots in social media.

Why did BBC the worst riots in more than ten years in the UK?(August 8th) One article summarized the riots: "False information, extreme right wing and anti -immigrant emotions on the Internet have helped violent incidents in various towns in England and Northern Ireland." This summary is basically BritainOfficial position.

British officials from the Prime Minister to the police department, including all media, attach great importance to clearing the identity of the murderer: there is no foundation rumor that this person is a Muslim immigrant.In fact, the suspect was born in Wales, and his parents were Rwanda.

Christian decline and Islamic spread

Thinking from the official position of the UK, it is really important to clear the murderer that it is not a Muslim, because Muslims are increasingly demonstrated in the British politics.This is not only because of its rapid increase in population, but also because it has become a very important force for British politics.The results of the British elections this year: London, Birmingham, Liz, Blackburn, Shefield, Oxford, Luton, Rochida and other cities are Muslims.

Peninsula TV has published articles. According to the British population census in 2021, the ratio of Christians in England and Wales was 46.2%at the time.During the 2011 census, the Christian ratio remained at 59.3%.The Muslim population in London accounted for 15%.The number of people who define themselves as no religious accounted for 37.2%of the British population, with 22.2 million people.

In contrast, the number of Muslims increased from 2.7 million in 2011 to 3.9 million in 2021, an increase of 1.2 million in 10 years, with a growth rate of 44%.Currently, Muslims account for 6.5%of the total population of Britain.Although the ratio is relatively low, the growth rate and concentration cannot be ignored.

The growth of the population of the Muslim and the changes in immigration policies have a profound impact on British society, causing the problem of resource distribution and social integration.Regarding the riots, Europe, which is also disturbed, was very clear. Many media analyzed the analysis and believed that anti -immigrant mood has been bubbling under the calm surface of British society for many years.In recent years, some British people have been dissatisfied with social reality such as decline in economic conditions and excessive immigration growth, which is the deep cause of riots.

The official headache medical feet key supervision speech

In addition to working hard to calm the riots, there are three official investigation directions in the UK: First, investigate the spread of the online fake news, leading to the more intense state of violence; 2. Whether there is foreign participation in it;There are more actions.At present, the British government has not accused any foreign forces from participating in the riots. One or three or three items merged into domestic control remarks, and said that they would hunt up the global entrepreneur and X platform owner Musk.

British media pointed out that this is the largest violence in the 13 years in the UK. The government has held emergency meetings to respond and launched the most severe ban since the Glory, the official account of the British government on X, warned the people to "think before you post" (Think Before You Post).It is naked scary: "If you publish materials that incite violence or hatred online, you may be prosecuted; if you share these materials, you may also be prosecuted. Please think about it before release."

After a large number of British officials caught people, Musk reposted the encounters between two British and an illegal immigrant and attached photos on X.A white man who made racial discrimination on Facebook squatted for 15 weeks.A white man selling against immigration stickers, squatting for 24 months.An illegal immigrant, a 12 -year -old girl who raped a 12 -year -old girl, did not have to go to jail. It was only sentenced to 180 hours of community service (eight hours a day, about four weeks), because he did not know that rape in the UK was a crime.This sentence according to political needs, the strict beatings of China, from the time of retirement, the crime of speech is far more important than criminal crime, which is very ridiculous.

Because the British spoken for ban, many people ran to X to publish various information prohibited by the British officials, and more and more people are downloading the X application.The British elites are extremely dissatisfied with the "exterior" regulatory regulation of this speech. From government officials to reporters, lawyers, professors, they all highly request Social media platforms such as X and TelegramIt is "protecting democracy and stability of the country."Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology Kyle also met with representatives of social media companies such as Facebook's parent company Meta and X, urging them to cooperate with the British government to "prevent racial hatred and incite violent information dissemination."The British regulatory agency has issued an emergency warning to these platforms, asking them to "take action immediately" to deal with the "incite hate" or "stirring violence" on the British network.The Minister of the Internal Affairs Corder said that social media should "bear some responsibilities" for violence and riots, and they "add rockets" to the spread of some false information and the spread of violent content.

Associate Professor Brown, the University of Bath, said that some social media platforms have neglected the review and management of the accounts of extremely right -wing activists, resulting in "unprecedented communication" of error information and hatred.The British Public Investigation Corporation provides data support. 86%of the respondents believe that social media is an important promoter of riots. False information is spreading and used by the social media and was used by extremely right -wing forces.spread".

London Police Hall Lelle threatened in an interview with the Sky News Station: to extradite and imprison US citizens due to online posts, and pointed at Musk.The British media regulatory agency British Communications Administration also issued a statement saying that the social media platform should take action on the role of its own role in this crisis, and should not wait until the online security bill is implemented.But Musk faced the threat without shrinking.

Britain is the first constitutional country in the world, and modern capitalist civilizations have originally born countries. The authoritative tendencies displayed by the Labor Government in terms of speech control are particularly eye -catching.Anyone who is familiar with British history knows that the first epods of the human society, which is free, is written by British politician, thinker, poet John Milton. He was written in 1644 toA speech submitted by the British Congress.In it, Milton used clear logic, cited cities, and a strong criticism of the Publishing Control Law formulated by the Presbyterian Congress control, put forward and demonstrated and demonstrated the proposition of the freedom of publishing and publishing.1689, Britain'sRights and decree gives parliament debate and court litigation freedom; another master of masterpieces written by British George Owaer in 1984 directly shows how terrible a country with speech control.

I sincerely hope that Britain to maintain a glorious tradition of freedom of speech.After all, Western civilization has always been freedom of speech, freedom of publishing, and proud of rally freedom to human society.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States