Politics has recently reported that the unity government may cooperate with the Iraqi Party. Although the party has come forward to deny it, there are still some people in the room who feel that the wind is full of waves.These issues reflect Anhua's difficult situations facing allowances in allowances, Malaysian support rates, and Higuki relations.

Malaysia Penang Prefecture's Sungai Pajia State seats were officially opened up, which were directly opposed by the Pakatan Harapan's ancestral Harry and the Abby Party of the National League Islamic Party.This is a election for both candidates for both sides. It should have been very attractive. However, compared to the hot campaign atmosphere, Ma Guojia is indifferent to this election campaign.For example, on the eve of the unity of the government, it announced that Musliming facilities in Penang Viagra and Shuangxi Baba provided additional RM17.75 million (about S $ 5.1 million) and additional 290,000 additional funds, respectively.Although the incident has caused strong attack on the wild leader, it has not aroused heated discussion among the people.

To know, the unity of the government has also allocated RM5.21 million on the eve of the New Gu Mao. At that time, the folk hotly discussed the matter, which was greatly contrast compared to this supplementary election.For another example, Abadin was criticized for the post of academic qualifications., Just lightly described.Earlier, there have also been similar academic qualifications. In addition to the remarkable layout in the Malaysian media for several days in a row, it has also become a street discussion, but the scene switching to Shuangxi Baba is still very different.

Of course, the quiet election has always been the normal state of Malaysia's re -election, so this shareholder's public opinion is not exclusive to this supplementary election, but because of the subtle changes in the overall political situation and economic atmosphere of Malaysia in the near futureOnly to make the emotions of this kind of partition -side viewing fire more obvious than in the past.This situation is noisy on the surface for the united government led by Prime Minister Anhua.After all, the results of this re -election have not affected the central government, and the results of Anhua's recent foreign investment are significant. In the first quarter of this year, the potential investment of RM 76.1 billion in Malaysia was talked about Malaysia.This set of data is enough for him to bring confidence.

In addition, Microsoft and Google also announced last month that they will invest in the development and construction data center of artificial intelligence (AI) in Malaysia in Malaysia in the next few years.At the same time, Anwar also launched a national semiconductor strategy, and plans to set up the largest integrated circuit design park in Southeast Asia in Selangor.When the State Council of the State Council visited Malaysia last week, it also promoted the signing of the memorandum of understanding of RM13.2 billion in total investment in the total value of 11 potential investment.These real gold and silver investment achievements also make him feel good and feel good.

Therefore, for Anwar, no matter how the folk public opinion changes, the ruling alliance will not be hit, because the current overall economic atmosphere of Malaysia seems to have a lot of exciting good news.I do n’t deny that these data can bring some goodwill to the Anwar and the united government, but with the complex social structure of Malaysia, this seems to be irrelevant for most people.Looking at the replenishment, it actually means that the Malaysian people are more concerned about other issues.Therefore, the stability and support of the unity government depends on how Anwar responds to these issues.

For example, the reform of diesel allowances that the government launched earlier and the rising wave of price increases was a heavy punch that offset the public of the Polo Volkswagen to increase the investment amount.Of course, the reorganization of fuel allowance is the general trend, which is indisputable.However, while the government shouted the decision to reduce diesel allowances to improve the government's financial status, it also dialed an additional RM100 million subsidy for eggs.The people's grievances were originally concentrated in the revocation of diesel allowances, but this contradictory plan has aroused dissatisfaction with supporters who decide to coexist with the government, so that Anwar is not a person in the allowance.

The issue that made Anhua fall into the dilemma is more than this order.Recently, the equity transaction of Malaysia Airport Holdings (MAHB) is also a potential trouble that the government is preparing to face.The Malaysian government invested in the arm of the State Treasure Holdings, and was ready to sell some of the airport equity held to the United States Global Infrastructure (GIP) earlier.But the company's gold owner is BlackRock, the founder and CEO of the American Jewish businessman Larink, an American Jewish businessman who had supported Israel's martial arts against Palestine.This undoubtedly touched the bottom line of the Muslims of Ma Guo, and then caused a stir in the Malay society.

Although Anwar has always tried to appease the domestic Malay community, it shows that the government is not directly cooperated with the Blade Group, their dissatisfaction is still rising, and UMNO, who is also a member of the united government, also opposes it.Umno Chairman Ahmad Zahi even publicly called on the airport holding to stop equity transactions immediately.This indicates that the Pakatan Harapan leaders do not know the UMNO Minister in this matter, which also allows the unity of the unity of the government to float on the table.In addition to the loss of the support rate of the Muslim community, the relationship between the Pakatan Harapan and UMNO will also be tested.

In addition, politics has recently reported that the unity government may cooperate with the Iraqi Party. Although the party has come forward to deny it, there are still people in the room who feel that there is no wave of wind.They believe that the Iraqi Party has not taken advantage of the equity trading of the airport to the airport, which has proved that some Pakatan Harapan supporters feel at a loss.These issues reflect Anhua's difficult situations facing allowances in allowances, Malaysian support rates, and Higuki relations.These issues can offset Anwar's investment achievements, so the win -win losses of Shuangxi Barjia should be secondary, because he must find a way to balance and properly cope with these issues, so as not to affect the impact.Reform agenda.

The author is a commentator at Malaysia and Assistant Professor of Politics and News of Raman University