Source: Bloomberg

Author: Kate O’Keeffe

In November last year, Elizabeth Rogan, the CEO of Optica, a well -known American Society of Science, visited China, and learned to report internal and social media.The station was slightly gone, that is her visit to Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.'s headquarters.

By April this year, the low -key meeting of Rogan in Huawei became one of the contents of the complaint of the confidant appeal.Partnership.

Analysis of Optica's internal records can be found that the depth of this ally relationship is far beyond public cognition. Although the tension relationship around the United States and China has continued to upgrade, the relationship between Huawei and Optica has been "flowering and fruiting" for decades.

Bloomberg News reported in May that Huawei secretly funded a research competition operated by the Optica foundation.This arrangement allows Huawei to fund the cutting -edge cutting -edge studies worth millions of dollars under the circumstances of related American universities, including prohibiting researchers from collecting Huawei funds.

After the news was disclosed, the US Congress launched an investigation. Optica headquarters in Washington also decided to refund Huawei's funds promised by Huawei and remove the company's representatives from the review team.

The inspections of this fund arrangement have impacted the partnership between the two parties.Although Huawei has been underweight in the United States, this partnership has essentially retained the channels for contacting the resources of top scientists in the United States.For example, according to Bloomberg's latest analysis, at least three of the six American researchers who secretly funded the Optica competition, at least three of them won the financial support of the US Department of Defense during the same period.

Optica一名员工4月4日向其总法律顾问提交投诉,援引该集团的告密政策,谈到Rogan前往华为总部的“未披露”行程,并对该公司在挑选哪些科学家通过竞赛可获得The role played by funding expresses concern.The confrontation also claims that the competition may weaken the work funded by the US government, including the actions supported by the US Department of Defense's Senior Defense Research Agency (DARPA).

The appealist said, "I believe that the research funded by DARPA and other institutions, and the patent of the US government with specific rights" has been "intentionally exported to Huawei through the competition, so it was exported to the Chinese government."He did not explain in detail.

Optica's spokesman said that this statement was "purely wrong" and "never provided any research to Huawei or any government entity through Optica."In the internal communication of employees on June 3, Rogan said that the group "actively evaluated our policy to ensure the best practice and maximum transparency."

A spokesman for Huawei stated in a statement that the company funded the Optica brand research competition in order to "inspire young scientists, encourage academic exchanges, and promote global knowledge sharing."He did not respond to issues related to Bloomberg's latest investigation.

Optica's spokesman said the group did not publicize Rogan's visit to Huawei because it was "the informal etiquette stay at the end of the two weeks."He said that Rogan "had issued two internal notifications to explain the main points of this line, and at that time, it was considered that there was too much third copy."