Many Chinese departments jointly released a series of measures to support the private economy in the financial field, providing greater efforts financial support for private enterprises that fall into the trough, including proposing to reasonably meet the financial needs of private housing companies.

This is the latest measures that China's economic growth is facing challenges. The official takes the latest measures to revitalize the confidence of private enterprises and boost economic growth.

According to the news released by the People's Bank of China on the official website of the People's Bank of China on Monday (November 27), the Eight departments of the Central Bank of China, the General Administration of Finance Supervision, and the Securities Regulatory Commission have issued a notice on strengthening financial support measures to help the private economy., Met the 25 specific measures to support the private economy.

The notification clearly clarifies the goals and priorities of financial services, and requires banking financial institutions to increase the financial support for private enterprises by formulating the annual service goals of private enterprises and improving the weight of private enterprises in performance assessment.Proportion of loans.

In terms of structure, the notification requires the support of key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, "specialized new", green low -carbon, and industrial foundation reconstruction projects, as well as private small, medium and micro enterprises.

Regarding the financing needs of private enterprises, notify the requirements, focus on unblocking the diversified financing channels such as credit, bonds, and equity; banking financial institutions should increase support for the first loan and credit loan, and actively carry out the industrial chain supply chain financial services.Take the initiative to do a good job in the service of private enterprise funds, and do not blindly stop loans, press loans, draw loans, and disconnect loans.

China's economic recovery has not been expected since the second quarter. The official has introduced a series of measures to promote the development of the private economy since the second half of the year. It is hoped to promote corporate confidence and promote economic development.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council introduced in July called "Article 31 of the Private Economy"Opinions on promoting the development of the private economy , after that, the China National Development and Reform Commission, the Market Supervision Administration and other departments have successively introduced supporting measures.

Yu Miaojie, president of Liaoning University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the Chinese government's previous support measures were mainly promoted from the aspects of factor support, improvement of the business environment, and legal support.The perspective of financial services has promoted the development of the private economy, and it has great support in terms of the total amount and structure of financial support.

Yu Miaojie analyzed that "25" not only for the domestic market, but also encouraged companies with strong competitiveness to go out to produce and financing overseas;Convenience policies, etc., are all reflected in the continuous increase of financial support for the real economy.

Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, pointed out in an interview that the latest "25" made specific arrangements for the total amount of financial services for private enterprises and increased the weight of related businesses in performance evaluation."

In Wang Jun's view, the support of the private economy from the central government to the ministries and commissions is more fine and three -dimensional, providing comprehensive support, highlighting the government's high attention to the development of the private economy.

He said that from the current point of view, "the best time for the development of China's private economy has come again."

Analysis: Further loosening the financing restrictions of housing companies

For the latest measures issued by the real estate industry, the eight departments have proposed that it is necessary to maintain stable financing channels such as credit and bonds to reasonably meet the financial needs of private real estate enterprises.

Some analysts believe that this means that the financial regulatory authorities have implemented a three -year "three red line" financing restrictions on housing enterprises for further loosening.

Bloomberg also quoted sources this month that Chinese regulators are drafting a list of Chinese real estate developers, and 50 state -owned and private housing companies that will be included

In addition, the Chinese financial regulatory authorities held a meeting in the middle to propose policies such as "three not less than", including the growth rate of various banks' own real estate loans than the growth rate of the average real estate loan in the banking industry.The financing restrictions of housing enterprises will boost the sluggish real estate market.