According to the laws and regulations passed in July last year, the official implemented the rules of network communication service and e -commerce service codes yesterday, requiring the main service providers to strengthen their due diligence and obligations, crack down on increasingly rampant fraud and malicious network activities to protect public securityEssenceThis is obviously necessary. After all, the crime of online fraud is getting worse and worse. The victims not only suffer money loss, but also affected emotional and psychological.The passage of the law has made improvement measures, so it should be able to see the effect than before.The virtual world of the Internet has penetrated people's daily life and should not become outside the law.

The two major rules announced last weekend are targeted at two types of network service providers.Communication service providers such as Facebook, WeChat, WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram, etc., must actively detect suspicious activities on the platform. Immediately report the official and obey the instructions of law enforcement agencies after discovery.Or online robotic programs, including requiring users to use strong login verification functions; service providers must also submit annual due diligence reports.E -commerce service providers such as Facebook market, Facebook advertisement, Facebook page and rotating auction must also meet the above three requirements.The mechanism to protect consumer rights.

These compliance requirements will inevitably increase the operating costs of network service providers, but from the perspective of ensuring the order of social civilization, these costs are insignificant and necessary.At the moment, few people will not deal with online service providers because their platforms greatly promote the convenience of life.This means that these electronic service providers have greater social responsibilities to bear to ensure that their platforms are not abused by fraud gangs and ensure consumer safety.Earlier or or individual platforms' almost monopolized position in the local market, the call for public opinion to strengthen security measures seemed to ignore or implement it.Therefore, the intervention of public power can promote their cooperation.


The law allows the rules to be coercive. If the network service provider does not comply with the rules or does not within the designated time, it can be corrected in accordance with the official instructions. The crime can be fined 1 million yuan.The official can also issue an implementation instruction, which specifically requires the service provider to implement a specific system, process or measure.This may violate the "invisible" economic theory of the free market, but the online competition winners are all taken. The monopoly situation is generally not a free market defined by textbooks.On the other hand, starting from the requirements of ensuring public good and avoiding the emergence of public tragedies, the government obeys public opinion and legislative governance network service providers has sufficient legitimacy.

Belief of laws and regulations help improve the network trading environment and gradually restore public confidence.According to the data of the Ministry of the Interior, since the effectiveness of the law, the official has successfully blocked more than 13,000 online criminal content activities, including fraud cases.Service providers must realize that the compulsory compliance requirements of the law eventually meet their interests.Because once the consumer's basic confidence disintegrates, it is like more and more consumers, especially older people, because they are worried about cyber fraud, and they are afraid of avoiding digital products, and the interests of service providers will be affected.

The increasingly serious online fraud threats not only destroy the digital process and image, but also weaken the mutual trust and good customs of the society, and must be rectified as soon as possible.In this sense, the promulgation of the two codes is a good start.But this is just the beginning.Although all parties look forward to the effect, they still need to evaluate progress from time to time.The designated network communication service providers must fulfill the above three requirements on December 31 this year.The additional requirements of e -commerce service providers, such as reviewing advertisers, improved payment methods, etc., will not be implemented for the time being, and will be evaluated next year.In addition, if the number of local users of other platforms increases, it may also be included in Code Management.

The public's own alertness is still the key. If it is found to be abnormal when using the platform, it should be reported immediately.With the support of the decree, I believe that future reports should be able to get the attention of service providers and play a role.Maintaining network security is the responsibility of everyone. In addition to the cost of profit costs, service providers must also be aware that network security is in line with their long -term interests.Cyber ​​security is a prerequisite for Singapore to become a smart country, so it must be treated high from the national policy.As long as the basic safe environment is guaranteed, the future development potential must be infinite.