Prime Minister Huang Xuncai visited Malaysia and met with Prime Minister Anhua.Premier Huang promised: "No matter what issues we have, we should not affect or how we treat the overall relationship between the two countries, let alone hinder the possibility of exploring new cooperation in the two countries." Anhua emphasized: "Through it throughFriendly processing differences, we must show regional and global neighbors' getting along. "

The frankness of the two and the attitude of building mutual trust are encouraged.But to make good neighbors, it requires some objective conditions.

We all know that since the division of the new horse, it has been drifting in political culture, economic strength, and social atmosphere.Singapore's political stability has not appeared in political parties. The government can implement the national policy that has not easily changed its long -term and not easily changed in terms of promoting national defense, economy, and diplomatic.

But Malaysia experienced political turmoil and changed the leader to change the policy, which was at a loss.Remember the era of Mahathir in power?He insisted on "a supporting facilities to solve the problem", so he relocated the topic, water supply projects, airspace and sea region projects, Ma Guomin received the Singapore Provident Fund Project at the Dantan Boge Railway Station, as well as the topic of curved bridges, demolition of long embankments, leading air violations, etc.The tattoo is opposite, and the entanglement is unclear.It was not until the Prime Minister Abdullah came to power that the "curved bridge controversy" was put on hold, saying that it would "pick down the drooping fruits" and peel off a package of solutions.

Abdullah did not have a long term. It was transferred to Najib to come to power. It only reached a one -time relocation of the Tanjong Bogu Railway Station and implemented the Eska Economic Zone Program.However, in 2018, the political changes suddenly, the Barisan Nasional fell, Mahathir returned to the dynasty, and returned the soul of the curved bridge plan.The news, memory is still fresh, right?It was not until the Clampooing coup and Muyadin came to power that the situation was eased.

Therefore, no one said, and after changing the Prime Minister, will the spirit of "good neighbors" be implemented?

The most obvious example is the Xinlong Express Plan. The Najib was shot, and Mahathir was put on hold by the regime.Muyudin came to power and simply announced its termination, and also lost more than 100 million yuan in Singapore.Then he changed Anwar and re -burned again, re -research, and was prepared to be contained in private enterprises.

Another obstacle to the objective conditions of the neighbor is "the disturbance of the Islamic Party."

The Islamic Party has long -term hostility to Singapore. It is an indisputable fact.Last year, a member of the Iraqi Party Congress, Glim Masdilla, even showed the "family member relationship map", slandering the Democratic Action Party veteran Lin Jixiang's father and son and the late general secretary of the Communist Party of China, all of which were the late Singaporean founder Li Guangyao.relative.This out -of -middle slander is extremely vicious.

The Iranian party leader Hadi Awang is stigmatizing Singapore along the way.Recently, in a supplementary election, he blatantly pointed out that the Malays in Singapore were oppressed and asked the voters: "Vote the Rockets (the People's Bank of China)? Do you want to become Singapore?"

How can such political parties constantly discredit Singapore?

In addition to the Islamic Party, the rest of the Malaysian party (the previous UMNO is particularly obvious), as soon as the election is elected, it is impossible to wait for the demonization of Singapore to incite racial and religious emotions.Under such an atmosphere and objective conditions, it is a difficult task to be a good neighbor for Prime Minister Huang and Anhua, and it is far away.

The author is a local writer