In recent months, the scenes during the period of crown disease in all parts of China have been reappeared: outpatient hospitals are full, drugs for snapping drugs, reminders of masks, and school suspension.The peak of the crown disease has passed less than a year, and the new wave of respiratory infections seemed to hit again.

Pneumoniacoplasma strikes

From August this year, pneumoniacum -tribne infections have appeared in Beijing, Shanghai, Yunnan, Guangzhou and other places. Outpatient hospitals in various places are overcrowded again. From the pediatric outpatient emergency clinic, the hot ruling to the infusion room, the patients are full of patients.

The high incidence of pneumoniacum is generally in autumn and winter in August and September each year.At this time, varying degrees of pneumonia across China will appear across China, but this year seems to be particularly serious.

Take Luzhou, Zhejiang as an example. In September and October this this year, the number of children in the city's three key hospitals received the number of children infected by pneumoniacum infections was 17.8 times in the same period last year.

Zheng Xuehui, chief physician of the Pediatrics Department of the Four Provincial Border Central Hospital of Luzhou, said: "Pneumoniacura is the most infected respiratory infection in the infection rate of pediatric clinics in this hospital. At present, there are 77 children in hospitalization in the hospital."

The Shanghai Children's Medical Center also visited nearly 400 children with pneumonians in July this year, which has doubled compared with previous years.

Multi -virus pinch

Just as the pneumoniacumin has continued to rash all over China, and type A influenza, coronal virus, etc. also come to make this wave of respiratory diseases.

Since November, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Fuzhou, Chongqing and other places have issued a "mixed infection" reminder of respiratory diseases, involving pathogens include: pneumoniac virus, influenza virus, coronary virus, glandular glandular, glandular, glandersViruses and ordinary bacteria.

Symptoms of mixed infection include: cough, sputum, runny nose, fever, lung infection, weakness, etc.Some doctors warn that the younger the age, the greater the risk of mixed infection, and if the adenovirus or pneumoniac bacteria is combined with mycoplasma infection, the symptoms will increase.

The multiple pinch of various viruses is even more squeezed by hospitals, outpatients, and emergency treatment.The pediatrics of Beijing Friendship Hospital and other large hospitals all posted a notice of "Emergency Number now for more than 24 hours".

Hospitals from all over China have recently covered patients with respiratory diseases. Among them, the pediatrics of large hospitals such as Beijing Friendship Hospital have posted the notice of "emergency number now 24 hours".(Internet)

Beijing Children's Hospital reported earlier this month that the cases of respiratory tract infections admitted to the hospital every day reached 3500 to 3,600, and the emergency department even hung to 3000, the infusion rooms in each department, and the diagnostic rooms were almost full.Sitting on the folding chair of the parents, hanging a bit in the hospital corridor.

The Beijing Children's Hospital is full of parents and children who see a doctor. Many of them are sitting on the folding chair of their parents and hanging drips in the hospital corridor.(Internet)
A boy was lying in his mother's arms.(Internet)

Li Yuchuan, director of the outpatient department of Beijing Children's Hospital, reported on Tuesday (November 21) that there were more than 7,000 patients in the hospital, far exceeding the hospital's carrying capacity;More than 12,000 people.

Social Media X (formerly known as Twitter) circulating is reported as a picture of Beijing Children's Hospital. The hospital is full of crowds of consultation.There is no end to the staircase.

Beijing Children's Hospital is full of crowds of seeking a doctor.(Internet)
Beijing Children's Hospital is full of crowds of consultation, and the queue is spreading until the stairwell.(Internet)

Another video also shows that there are too many people visiting the Beijing Children's Hospital. They line up to the gate, and there are people waiting for camping chairs to wait.

There are too many people visiting Beijing Children's Hospital, and the queue crowd gathers outside the gate and waits.(Internet)

In addition to the number of patients who see a doctor, many children infected with respiratory diseases have obvious complications in the lungs such as lung deformation and lungs without lungs after diagnosis.

Wang Yan, the chief physician of the Children's Hospital of Anhui Children's Hospital, said that the so -called washing lung was washing the lungs through fibrous bronchial mirrors to keep the respiratory tract unobstructed.In the past, only about 10 cases per day, "In the near future, more than 50 cases per day, and the highest peak made 67 cases a day."

In response to the popularity of respiratory diseases this year, the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Committee pointed out that a small peak will appear every three or five years, and "2023 is an infected 'big year'."

The Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission said that the mycoplasma pathogen may have genetic variations, which has certain antibiotic antibiotic Azithromycin as the child of mycoplasma pneumonia, so it is particularly easy to cause lung infection.

Some experts believe that the crown disease epidemic in the past three years has led to a sudden increase in patients who are vulnerable to virus infections. Children lack immunity to infectious diseases such as pneumoniacum, which has caused large -scale infections.

The picture shows the patient who was seeing a medical treatment in a children's hospital in Beijing on November 23, and some parents were forced to take the doctor to sit in the stairwell to fight.(Agence France -Presse)

In addition, there are no recent WeiboNetizens from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Jiangsu are about the experience of being infected with respiratory diseases in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Jiangsu.Some netizens said: "A family of four, three people have cough, fever, nose (nose), headache, uncomfortable."

Some netizens have criticized that the medical system in many places is not the load, showing that China's medical system has not improved significantly after the end of the crown disease."In the future (popular), there will be every year. The medical care will be supported for a while, will it be a lifetime?"

The World Health Organization officially requested China on Wednesday (November 22) to provide specific information about the increase in respiratory disease cases and children's cluster infection with pneumonia.

The people's anxiety is backward

Faced with the aggressive respiratory virus, since mid -October, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Huai'an, Luoyang and other places have issued health reminders to call on the publicThe crowded closure places, etc.

Bloomberg News reported on Thursday (November 23) that there are many people with spontaneous masks on the busy subway in Beijing.

In order to prevent students from cross -infection, Beijing, Tianjin, Harbin, Suzhou, Jilin and other places have also announced the suspension of schools in the province and cities.

So far, there is no school in Changchun City, Jilin Province, which has no school, and many parents have called on the official to order the school to suspend classes.Some parents revealed that many classes have had a large number of students for leave, and one of the 42 people's class had 22 people for leave.

People with full hospitals, wearing masks, and schools have been suspended. All kinds of familiar scenes can't help but make the Chinese people recall the crown disease epidemic in the past three years.Along with anxiety, the phenomenon of accumulating medical supplies is also overwhelming.

Many parents have went to the online e -commerce platform to buy a home atomizer in order to do atomizing the treatment of the sick children to promote the sales of the household atomizer. Some shops even sold in the past month.More than 20,000 units.

As the popularity of respiratory diseases, many parents went to online e-commerce platforms to buy home atomizers and do atomized therapy for their children.The picture shows the atomizer opened on Taobao.(Internet)

atomizer therapy refers to the patient inhale the drug into the diseased part with the assistance of the atomizer.A parent said in an interview with the Beijing Daily, "The window lined up to get the medicine, waiting to enter the atomizer room, and it took more than an hour to line up." This made her the idea of ​​buying a home atomizer.

It is reported that the price of atomizers on the e -commerce platform is very different. The cheapest is only more than 50 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 9.45), and the most expensive 4,500 yuan.In order to attract parents to buy, some merchants even scores the promotional words of "the same hospital".

But in fact, the quality of the home atomizer is uneven, not all atomizers can play a role in atomizing therapy.The doctor of the Department of Pediatrics of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Beijing Dongcheng District said that the pills sprayed by some domestic atomizers could not be sent to the lungs at all, "atomization is equal to nothing."

In addition, antibiotic Azithromycin, which is used to treat bacterial infection, has also become the object of public purchase and hoarding.Achicillin in pharmacies in China is out of stock, and the foreign Achicillin imported from these pharmacies is also searched.

But Wang Quan, chief physician of Beijing Children's Hospital, said that parents are not recommended to take drugs such as Azithromycin on their own.Because as a whole, the virus is still the most common pathogen in children's respiratory tract infection, and Azithromycin is invalid for virus infections.

After more than three years of crown disease, the shadows and trauma in the hearts of many people in China are still difficult to erase. I can only hope that the practice of that time will help people learn to face the current anxiety and anxiety, and evenLearn from epidemic prevention experience to help this wave of popular soft landing.