On April 10 this year, Punicus visited the United States, and Vice President Sarah was not appointed as the President.Obviously, he no longer trusts Sarah.After he returned to China, his relationship with the United States became increasingly closer. He repeatedly conflicted with China on the South China Sea issue, and became more and more intense.This may be the last straw of Macs and Duterte's breakthrough, so Sarah resigned from the Cabinet Minister's position.

The Philippine Vice President Sarah Duterte announced on June 19 that he resigned from the position of the Minister of Education and the vice chairman of the rebel work group, and President President President Macco accepted her resignation.Analysts believe that this shows that the two Philippine political families have parted ways and speculate that Sarah intends to compete for the Philippine presidential election in 2028.

Sarah's father, Duterte, is the former president of a lawyer. He is a political family in the south. He has been the mayor in Davo for 20 years.In May 2016, he participated in the presidential election, and his daughter Sarah inherited him as the mayor of David.In that presidential election, he won 39 % of the votes as a campaign for a policies and "declaration of drugs" as a campaign.As soon as he took office, he dealt with drug dealers, arrested and shot drug dealers with tough means; the opposition and Western people were dissatisfied and accused him of violating human rights.

Duterte rejected the rights protection of the United States and the United Nations to investigate the Philippines, and also abused the then US President Obama.He claimed that as long as he was in politics, he would not stop declared war with drugs.

Duterte's policies in diplomacy are also different from former President Aquino III. They no longer advocate the judgment of the International Arbitration Court on the South China Sea, friendly to China, support China's Belt and Road Initiative, and welcome China to invest.And get financial assistance in economics.China -Philippine relations were quite close during the Duterte era, causing the Philippines to be dissatisfied with the Philippine pro -beauty, especially the military.However, he did not seem to show signs of changing the policy, because he had a high public opinion support rate at the time.

Duterte, who has socialist thoughts, also intends to have peace talks with the Philippines, but did not succeed.He also expressed sympathy for the Morocosnial Liberation Front in the south and continued to talk to them; he also intends to change the centralized system to the federal system, but he did not succeed.When he was in power, it was surprising that he was surprised by many observers.

Election of the two families alliances

The Marco family supports Duterte during the 2016 presidential election.After he was elected president, he allowed to transport Marco's body back to the Philippines, and placed him in Manila's hero cemetery to re -position the former president who fled to the United States for corruption.Obviously, he is paving the way for his political family.Since then, the Marcos family and the Duterte family have become close.

Paris also delivered a speech in relatives when he became a member of the parliament, intending to compete for the president's throne after Duterte stepped down.Macco is quite appealing, but he failed to get the support of voters in the south, and needed Duterte.At first, Duterte intended to match with Magakus as a candidate for Zheng and Vice President, that is, Macatus as the President, and Duterte for his deputy.Because according to the Philippine Constitution, the president cannot be re -elected.However, his daughter Sarah, who came forward to be the vice presidential candidate.Sarah, who is also a lawyer, is also a good achievement in Davo City, and has the heroic style of his father.

It should be pointed out that the Philippine President and Vice President were elected separately and do not have to belong to the same party.Robreta, like President Duterte's Vice President, is an example.Duterte is anti -the United States, and the deputy is beautiful, so they fail to cooperate.Voting voted to the voters and vice presidents are also different.Therefore, Duterte received only 39%when he was elected president, less than half.

However, if the candidates of Zhengzheng and Vice President are all passers -by and support each other, their votes will increase greatly.Later election results showed that Matcus received 31 million votes, about 51%, and Sarah received 32 million votes, more than Macatus.Some experts analyzed that he could not win if Sumacus did not form an alliance with Sarah.

President's President President is regarded as a successor of Duterte's policy by voters and is a pro -Chinese figure. He claims that he will continue to interact with China and often criticize American policies, saying that he will adopt neutral foreign policy policiesAs long as friends, do not want the enemy to avoid the cold war.

In the early days after the victory, Magaks and Saran seemed to cooperate with each other.Sarah joined the cabinet and served as the vice chairman of the Minister of Education and the rebel work group.But slowly, the two families cracks.

When Macco came to power, although he also stated that he would continue to be friendly with China and continue Duterte's policy, in fact he also intends to use the United States to restrain China.When the US President Biden was elected in Marco, he was the first leader to congratulate him.It is said that Little Marco is quite moved.Nevertheless, his attitude towards China is still quite friendly.

Not in the same Taoist

In early 2023, Macco visited China, received by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and signed 14 contracts with China to obtain a $ 20 billion investment commitment.In addition, P / -Philippine has also improved the communication mechanism of China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.He also said that Xi Jinping "guarantees that it will continue to find a compromise plan for both parties, so that our fishermen can fish in traditional fishing grounds."After returning to China, he also said that his relationship with China has been further improved.

Words are still in the ear, and Paris visits the United States in April of the same year, strengthen the relationship between the Philippines and the Philippine Alliance, sign a new strengthening of defense cooperation agreement (EDCA), allows the United States to use five existing military bases, plus four new new new military bases, plus four new new military basesBase.

Why does Magowus change their position and is willing to provide the United States with bases that can be used to block China?Has he abandoned neutral diplomacy?There are divergent opinions.Some people say that he is disappointed in China, especially on the issue of the South China Sea; Chinese new immigrants also pose a threat in the Philippines, but China does not ignore it; some people say that the supporters of Martaus are pro -American factions, and the supporters of PotteryNow the United States is desperately attracting him, giving him a lot of benefits.The Philippines is a former colony of the United States. It has a relationship of love and hate, and has a history of mutual allies. Political consciousness is similar. Martis, without international political experience, began to fall to the United States.

The little Marco and the Duterte family are not the same as passers -by, which can be seen from three aspects.After Macco was elected, he began to abandon Duterte's policy of "war to drugs" and did not resolutely deal with drug dealers.When the International Human Rights Organization wanted to re -investigate Duterte's violation of human rights when fighting a drug trafficking group, Pumioz did not strongly oppose it.However, the most obvious is that he began to get close to the United States in diplomacy and had evil with China.He accepted the United States' economies of economic funding, and welcomed the United States to return to the Philippines, strengthen military cooperation, and re -become an ally.On the issue of the South China Sea, the policies between Marco and Duterte played counter. He tried to use the US forces to enhance national strength and slapped on Duterte's face.

If we pay attention to the relationship between Palcus and Sarah, we will find that cracks have appeared since the beginning of this year.First of all, Sarah's education department and the rebel work group lack funds, and more funds are required to be opposed by Mattheus, a member of Macco.In addition, there are rumors that she may be investigated by the financial issues of the Ministry of Education and the working group.Sarah was unwilling to show a large -scale demonstration in Davo, opposing a proposal to modify the Philippine Constitution.

On April 10 this year, Magaks visited the United States. Sarah was not appointed as the President of the President. Instead, Magaks appointed the three -person governance.Obviously, he no longer trusts Sarah.After he returned to China, his relations with the United States became increasingly closer. He repeatedly reflected the gesture of sovereign countries on the South China Sea issue, and conflict with China that advocated the nine -segment line.This may be successfulThe last straw that broke by Marco and Duterte, so Sarah resigned from the post of the Cabinet.However, she did not resign from the position of Vice President because she was elected, not the appointment of Magaks, and could stay until 2028.Vice President has no real power, but only when the president suddenly cannot perform the task, it is replaced by Vice President.

What is the impact of Sarah's resignation?She left the cabinet of Macco, indicating that she was unwilling to cooperate with the government, and therefore lost the opportunity to use government finance. Without government resources, her ability to move may be affected, and she needs to find funds to support political activities.At the same time, members and officials who have something to do with her may also be excluded.Sarah will make an opposition; however, now the power of the little Marco is still quite stable, and the struggle between the two families will continue.

The author is a senior visiting professor at the Singapore Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute Nanyang University of Technology Radalon South International Research Institute