The National Environment Bureau, the National Park Bureau and the Singapore Food Bureau jointly announced that they cooperate with Bishan -Daba Kiln, Hongmao Bridge, and Tanjong Boge City Council to launch a six -month pigeon management pilot operation.To control the number of wild pigeons.This is another action about the official curbing birds after the crow's attack passersby incident last year.

Chen Jiehao, Minister of Government of the Ministry of National Development and Senior Government of the Ministry of Communications and News, stated on Facebook that the local wild pigeon breeding rate is high, and there are few natural enemies. If they are not controlled, their reproduction ability has reached more than five times a year.Wild pigeons live in group housing area, pollution and public health.He pointed out that if the pilot plan is effective, it will be promoted to other towns.

Pigeon Management Action Plan includes four strategies: one is to avoid making human food residues the source of food for pigeons; second, law enforcement operations on bird feeders; third, strengthen public education and community participation; fourth, through temptation and humanityDestruction and reduce the number of wild pigeons.

According to the research of the Park Bureau's inhabitation and foraging model of local birds, 70%of the foods eaten by wild pigeons come from people's feeding and food residues.As foraging is easy, the number of wild pigeons surged.During the crown disease epidemic, there were fewer food residues in the hawker center, and the pigeons had to spend more effort to find food and affect the breeding ability. At that time, the number of pigeons dropped sharply.

In view of this, this pilot plan will strengthen the management of food residue management of hawker centers and food courts, including quickly cleaning up the pallets and dishes after the return of diners; reducing the open tray back of the hawker center; installing more bird nets, Anti -bird nails and wires, to prevent pigeons from inhabiting for food.

In addition, relevant officials will be applied to both publicity and fines to ensure that diners return the tray and clean the table after eating at the hawker center.At the same time, law enforcement officers will deploy CCTVs and patrols at the feeding hotspots of pigeons to grab the bird feeders.The first offender fined 5,000 yuan and the criminals were as high as 10,000 yuan.

Among the many strategies of treating birds, killing is the most direct and common technique in the past.However, with the rise of civic groups, the demand for public participation has increased, which has promoted diverse voices, especially in the field of environmental conservation and animal care.They have become one of the main stakeholders who deal with bird affairs.

For animal care groups, killing wild birds is cruel and inhumane.They attributed the problem of birds to the public and called on people to coexist with animals peacefully.The official official also advances with the times. When dealing with the problem of birds, it is no longer "cracked" wild birds. Instead, it adopts the method of "temptation and humanitarian destruction".

Compared with direct bruises, the time and cost of lure with humanitarian destruction are high.During the capture operation, employees of animal management companies should monitor on -site to prevent other birds or animals by mistake.The staff will also set a safety sign to remind the public to stay away from the work area.Then, the staff used carbon dioxide to destroy pigeons and remove dead pigeons in the bait area.

Even if humanity is destroyed, the animal care group still opposes the control of birds by capture.A veterinarian pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that although the use of carbon dioxide birds is fast, it still belongs to "unnecessary life deprivation."She said that all kinds of birds have their own positions in the ecosystem of Singapore. "Our society should be morally opposed to unnecessary euthanasia."

When dealing with bird Manchu as a problem, it is necessary to consider animal rights, but also take care of the public's well -being.Wild pigeons are mice with wings and are more likely to spread infectious diseases.A infectious disease expert pointed out that people may be infected with diseases when they are exposed to bird manure or inhalation of the dust generated by bird manure.On the other hand, the Park Bureau pointed out that it received 3,000 to 4,000 complaints about crows from 2020 to 2022, of which 10%involved the crow's attack on public incidents.

A expert in the Park Bureau pointed out that the original pigeons and crows were invaders, not native species, and pose a threat to local biodiversity.They lack natural enemies in Singapore.The Park Bureau did not announce the number of wild pigeons in Singapore, but pointed out that in the area under the jurisdiction of the three municipal clubs that pilot the pilot plan, there are "many" birds with more than 100 pigeons.On the other hand, a postdoctoral researcher estimates that Singapore's original pigeons in 2018 reached as much as 190,000.This is obviously too much load on this small island of Singapore.

It is noted that Singapore is a densely populated city. Non -native wild pigeons and crows live in large quantities, which violates natural phenomena at all.The way of nature, the ruthless law of the survival of the suitable person: It is another way to control human food sources. It is another way to directly kill or humanitarian destruction to reduce the risk of infectious disease diffusion.To deal with the problem of bird affected, it is necessary to avoid the inverted upside down and mistake the animal rights on the public's well -being.