Last Sunday (June 9th) was the fifth anniversary of the Hong Kong Repair Case of Repair.On the day of five years ago, the prelude to the amendments to the amendment of 100,000 Hong Kong people on the street against the revision of the fugitives.After the SAR government's refusal to withdraw the plan, it triggered a fierce police conflict for more than half a year, and rewritten the history of Hong Kong after the return of 1997.

According to the grand commemorative tradition of the Chinese people, many people think that Hong Kong society and public opinion will reflect on this political storm this year.But I checked it on the Internet. On June 9, there was only one report on Ming Pao, and all other mainstream media lost their voice.In fact, few Hong Kong media have been reported on this day for the past year or two.On this day five years ago, it seemed that no major event had happened.

However, the incident has happened, not to mention the impact of this social movement on Hong Kong.As of the end of March this year, the Hong Kong police have arrested 10,000 279 people on anti -repair incidents, of which 2,961 have been completed or treated with judicial procedures, and a total of 2328 people must bear legal consequences.

Among the 47 democrats suspected of organizing and participating in the "35+ primary selection" of the 2020 Legislative Council, they were charged with conspiracy to subvert the crime of state power and the most noticeable.After three years of long interrogation of the Hong Kong court, 14 people have finally made a judgment. Among the 16 defendants who did not plead guilty, 14 people were ruled by the crime of "conspiring the crime of subverting the state power".The rest of the people are still unknown.

At the same time, although the Hong Kong Government withdrew the revision of the fugitive regulations, in the past five years, it has also implemented Hong Kong National Security Law Basic Law .Once upon a time, Hong Kong was a famous "demonstration capital", and there were large and small parade every day.However, after the anti -repair campaign, Hong Kong's political atmosphere has undergone tremendous changes, and the number of parades has become less and less.

According to online media reports, on June 9 this year, there were two public parade approved by the police on June 9 this year, both of which were fundraising.Participants must wear stickers and orange stones to identify the conference, and the organizers must also ensure that the activities will not be unfavorable to national security.However, these two public activities were later canceled due to rainy days.

In a mature civic society, citizens have the right to march peacefully on the ground and express their own demands.Today, the parade in Hong Kong is restricted. Although the police have learned the violence of demonstrators five years ago and the lessons that caused Hong Kong to move towards the "capital of Hong Kong", objectively speaking, Hong Kong's civic society gradually lost its original vitality.Under the appearance of "singing and dancing", not everyone who stays in Hong Kong is glad to accept this new reality.

Hong Kong people overseas don't have to be too happy.After a large number of people of Hong Kong people experienced anti -repair movements, they moved to all parts of the world, but the overseas democratic movement in the past five years has also fallen into a low tide.

On the interactive social platform channel of some Hong Kong democrats, each of the previous fighting posts will be viewed tens of thousands of people, and every year has deteriorated in recent years.A few days ago, some of the posts that encouraged Hong Kong people to go to the streets to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the anti -revision of the anti -repair parade, even hundreds of browsing, and the attention is getting lower and lower.

Last Sunday, in addition to the parades in different overseas Hong Kong people, some cities also held documentary screening or exhibition activities, but the Hong Kong people who participated in the number of Hong Kong people.

Taking Taiwan as an example, some Hong Kong people and Taiwan groups launched a parade in Taipei on the same day, calling on the outside world to continue to pay attention to Hong Kong.The organizer claims that the number of participants is as many as 600, but it is only about half of the photos from the social networks, reflecting that most overseas Hong Kong people have gradually forgotten Hong Kong politics for their livelihoods.

Even more, there are signs of division in Hong Kong people in various places.For example, after the death of Hong Kong's well -known photography reporter Chen Qiao in the earlier days, his daughter issued a statement that the photography collection printed and released in 2017 was accusing the well -known people of democratic faction.Liu Xixi, who had moved to Canada, responded in the air on the Internet, arguing that he was authorized.

This photo copyright storm was originally a private dispute, but unexpectedly caused overseas Hong Kong people to fight.Many yellow silk net reds unanimously discussed Liu Xixia's private morals, while Liu Xixi and a group of fans referred to that someone was instructed by Beijing officials.The scolding battle between the two sides and me have damaged the reputation of the entire overseas yellow silk camp.

In fact, many Hong Kong people thought that they could restless after immigration, but in reality, they were not so ideal.In the past few years, some Hong Kong people have returned to Hong Kong without adapting to overseas life.In recent years, Europe and the United States have poor economy. After a while, this wave of return may usher in another small peak.This scene could not help but sigh. After 1997, Hong Kong people have been pursuing democracy and freedom, and they go back to the origin.

In Hong Kong, after the new government took office, he was full of ambitions and reform in many aspects. He hoped to solve the deep -seated contradictions of society and improve social livelihood.The new government is committed to the sincerity of the people. However, the Hong Kong people of different ideas do not care, making it difficult for the Hong Kong government to take an ambition, and still face economic difficulties after the epidemic.

Anti -repair routines five years ago severely torn Hong Kong society.In the past five years, the cracks of Hong Kong society have not yet been compensated, and it seems that it is slowly losing its previous competitive advantages.It is said that the Hong Kong -made factions and the opposition camp are the losers of this storm.In today's Hong Kong, the intentional people of different camps need to come out to become a real "Hong Kong camp", leading Hong Kong to re -start.