When the legislators of the Taiwan Legislative Council's internal affairs committee were temporarily proposed during the meeting, the Kuomintang legislators demanded that the inner text "China" was changed to "China". After several coordinated modifications, the temporary proposal was passed.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council's Internal Affairs Committee invited the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Communications, the Mainland Council, the Consortium of the Consortium of the Strait of the Consortium, and the Aboriginal Commission.A special report and inquiry are made for the special response and actions of the opening of the mainland tourists to Taiwan.

The DPP legislators proposed temporary proposals at the meeting, which mentioned that "the mainland committee of my country has released goodwill", "my country's Ministry of Transport", "Expect my country and China to open the ban on the ban on groups at the same time", etc. Words.The Kuomintang legislators have doubts about the use of words and believe that "China" should be changed to "mainland"; "my country" should be changed to "Taiwan".

DPP legislator Su Qiaohui and Wang Meihui once raised objections.Fu Kunzheng, the convener of the party members of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, responded that any proposal of the Legislative Yuan could not resist the Constitution. Su Qiaohui, Wang Meihui and other talents accepted the requirements for changing the use of words.

At the request of the Kuomintang, the content of the temporary proposal is even more moved. It is announced that the M503 route is closer to the central line of the Strait and approaches the restricted area of ​​my country. "

In addition, the Kuomintang legislators proposed a temporary proposal during the meeting, asking the Taiwan Ministry of Communications, the MAC and other relevant departments to immediately open the passenger transportation of Fujian and Pingtan to Taiwan.At the request of the DPP, the content of the temporary proposal deleted the words "the DPP cannot do, do not want to do, do not want to do, only the Kuomintang actively, do hard work, and do it seriously."