A strange transactions that can cause North Korea's misjudgment cannot be proceeded again.If North Korea's honeymoon causes North Korea's misjudgment and forcibly launch the seventh nuclear test, Wanta Mountain, which is more than 2,200 meters above sea level, will collapse, and it will even promote the eruption of Baitou Mountain (Changbai Mountain) volcanic.

The non -normal close relationship between North Korea and Russia has caused concerns about the international community, and the situation around the Korean Peninsula shakes.

On June 19, the head of the North Korean State Chairman Kim Jong -un and the Russian President Putin decided to raise the relationship between the two countries into "comprehensive strategic partnership".This is the unusual "dangerous transaction" of Russia's weapons to Russia in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia's unusual "dangerous transactions" in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia in exchange for Russia.Northeast Asia, and even reckless attempts in the international community.

Through this summit talks, the relationship between North and Russia seems to have been recovered.The Treaty Treaty of the Chao and Soviet Union signed in 1961 clearly stipulated that it was "automatic military intervention" in a very period, but it was abolished in 1996 after the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Russia.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, in the Kim Jong -un, in 2000, the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation and Cooperation, which was signed in 2000, did not include security assistance clauses.But in September last year in the two countries

After creating an atmosphere of cooperation in the summit talks, in this summit, according to the strategic needs of both parties in the international community, through the term "comprehensive", it clarifies cooperative relations in various fields such as military, economic, and personnel exchanges.

The signing of treaties from the strategic interests of North Korea and Russia is the freedom of the two countries.However, in Article 4 of the comprehensive strategic partner of the two countries disclosed by the Central News Agency on the 20th, "one of the parties among the two parties is invaded by the force of individual or many countries.All the means you have provided military and other assistance ".Although there is no explicit regulation, "automatic military intervention", the scope of "war state of war invading" and "military assistance" is blurred, and the possibility of actual startup is not very large.However, this is the inverted clause at the end of this, because Russia invaded Ukraine and the continuous threat to North Korea in South Korea is like a country attacked.

Although Russia emphasized that this is because of "defensiveness", it has exposed the intention of using North Korea to help Battle of Ukraine.In addition, North Korea, which is trying to hold nuclear weapons into Russia's leading security front, restrains the multilateral mechanism dominated by the United States and its dominant.As for what North Korea values ​​is to establish a military alliance system with Russia through the new treaty and ensure the use of Russia to cultivate its own military power.At the joint media conference after the talks, Kim Jong -un said that "the Great DPRK -Russian Alliance Relations" also mentioned "Alliance" many times, but Putin did not use the term "alliance", which made people feel a certain temperature difference.

However, strengthening cooperative relations in North Korea and Russia will bring considerable and affected negative effects.

First of all, at this summit, in the past, not only South Korea, the United States, China, Russia, Japan, etc., will all mention the words "no nuclearization" and "peace system" in the discussion of security issues, which will completely disappear.Whether it is "North Korea's nuclearization" or "the North Korean Peninsula has no nuclearization", Russia, which agrees to the core country of the nuclear non -diffusion system, has actually expressed its default attitude towards North Korea.Coupled with Putin's speeches, such as "progressing without exclusion of military technical cooperation with North Korea" and "re -considering the UN Security Council's sanctions on North Korea (problem)," should be re -considered, it is tantamount to tolerance North Korea to develop nuclear weapons and missiles.It can be seen that Russia has actually given up the strategic fuzzyness that had previously adopted.

Another problem is that Kim Jong -un's possibility of becoming more bold.Kim Jong -un believes that Putin will support his adventurism and may imitate Russia's action against Ukraine.If he believes that it is safe to security from Russia, he will make more bold provocation and at the same time apply to South Korea, the United States and Japan to pressure without denuclearization. He may have the confidence of using Russia's background support.As a result, North Korea believes that the new North Korea -Russian relations can bring very different interests from China's negative support attitude.

[Unprecedented vortex]

The most worrying thing is that North Korea with Russia as the background will forcibly launch the seventh nuclear test.North Korea conducted six nuclear tests from October 9, 2006 to September 3, 2017.The first three times were implemented every three or four years, but it was implemented three times in 2016 and 2017.It is worth noting that in the six nuclear tests, four times were carried out after Xi Jinping's administration in the mainland government general secretary.In order to complete the nuclear military, North Korea also showed ignoring China.Although China is under the banner of "preventing nuclear diffusion", it still emphasizes China's "constructive role" and requires "calmness of related countries".

However, if North Korea dares to do the seventh nuclear test, it will cause completely different storms from the past.Especially the Fengxi Li nuclear test base, which has been conducted six nuclear tests, the nearby foundation has been greatly weakened. If the nuclear test is forcibly added, the Wanta Mountains at an altitude of more than 2,200 meters will collapse, and it will even promote Baitou Mountain (China known as Changbai Mountain) volcano.Run.In case of radiation leakage, it may impact other areas including China, causing huge environmental disasters.This will not only threaten the unstable political society in Northeast Asia, but also threatens the safety of North Korean residents and more than 100 million residents of Northeast China.Once the radiation can be leaked, it will not disappear for hundreds of years, so the Chinese descendants of the border areas are facing the risk of radiation.

As early as 2016, this problem was found in some liquidized evidence and papers of the lower crust of Baithan Mountain in North Korea and the United Kingdom, the United States, and Chinese scientists.According to a relevant person at the Volcano Research Institute of the China Earthquake Administration, the scale of the outbreak of the Baitou Mountain volcano will be 10 to 100 times the outbreak of the Icelandic volcano in 2010.As a result, 2 billion tons of water overflowed with Tianchi Lake, and large -scale floods occurred in the surrounding areas.From this point of view, the seventh nuclear test will not only bring international and political instability, but also cause environmental disasters.

From this point of view, it must prevent North Korea from the seventh nuclear test, but North Korea is a country where everything is possible.Like the honeymoon period of the Russian Russia, a strange transaction that can cause the misjudgment of North Korea cannot be proceeded.North Korea must stop this reckless provocative behavior; China should also recognize the North Korean nuclear test, which will threaten the safety and ecological environment of Chinese citizens.It is hoped that China will play a substantial role in the scope of "constructive role" in stopping the North Korean nuclear test, because it cannot allow reckless political calculations to threaten human life and security.

The author is a professor at the University of Foreign Language and Foreign Language and President of the Northeast Asia Future Cooperation Forum