Singapore Basic Education will include the education content that should have been undertaken by the family into the basic education of the system, so that the education that is lived is silent.Even so, it is not enough to replace family education, but at least it can make those children who cannot qualify for family education to have the opportunity to make up for this lesson.

When referring to basic education and enlightenment, people think that the most content must be the common sense of the encyclopedia, animals and plants, fairy tales, historical stories, and poetry and books, which are mostly concentrated on the learning and intellectual development of knowledge.When I moved to Singapore more than 10 years ago, the author had been exposed to local basic education textbooks and was very refreshing. Since then, he likes to buy textbooks to give it to parents and friends in China.In the years affected by the epidemic, I have more opportunities to contact local basic education and have new thinking.At the moment when the enrollment and employment competition make the utilitarianism and pragmatism of education, the characteristics of the "educating" in Singapore's basic education make people relive the essence and original intention of education, which is impressive.

Education is a combination of "teaching" and "education". It is a teaching and educating person.Therefore, education is not just the teaching of knowledge and the training of skills, and even more than just the enlightenment of cultural learning and intellectual enlightenment. Although all this is an important purpose and composition of education.Chinese traditional culture has taught "Wen to the Taoism" since ancient times. This Tao mainly refers to the "Taoism", which is the Confucian cultural value system.

For a long time, basic education, especially Chinese education, has been defined as the study of literature or cultural knowledge. Of course, there are many positive "Tao", even "Avenue".As for the character and the method of life in daily life, they have always been considered to be mainly based on family education, and they can learn from the school gate after going out of the school gate.The family is the first school of children. Parents are the first teacher of the child. The importance of family education is beyond doubt.But the reality is that every family cannot be guaranteed to be a good school and every pair of parents are qualified teachers.After entering the society, the self -cultivation is all different from individuals.

Classics cannot include modern society requirements by thousands of years ago

Perhaps it is the lack of this education. In the traditional Chinese culture such as Three Characters and Thousand Character disciples, the classics of education on people's education continue to return and the popularity is not reduced.This phenomenon not only demonstrates cultural self -confidence, but also makes up for the lack of human education.However, the classics of thousands of years ago obviously could not include some "Tao" that the modern civic society had required.

In fact, the world's articles have always followed the "text to carry the road" criteria, and there is no way to be foreign and modern.Because the meaning of "Tao" is infinitely vast, and the content can be paid to the times, it can be understood as the social function of literature or articles, and the values ​​required.

In the text of basic education in Singapore, the author sees the way of honesty and integrity, enthusiasm and kindness, the way of respecting the elderly, the way of filial piety, the way to help others, the way of getting along with others, and teamwork.The way of Taoism, public morality, and even personal communication, the way of self -cultivation, etc., the purpose of educational first is to hope that students will grow into a citizen with the above -mentioned beautiful morality and literacy.Among them, "Dao" has both the excellent values ​​of Confucian traditional culture, but also no shortage of modern civic society, such as equality, respect, and collaboration. The purpose of education is obvious.Xiang's life values ​​and characteristic literacy have been cultivated from a young age, so that it has grown into a member of the modern civic society.

It is the way to live in the world.Among the above -mentioned "Tao", it is not difficult to find that it also includes the "emotional intelligence" component that is valued by today's society.Related research has long concluded that a person's success, professional knowledge accounted for up to 15%, and the remaining 85%rely on emotional intelligence. In most cases, emotional intelligence is more important than IQ.Emotional intelligence with such high proportion, education only depends on family education that cannot be fully dependent on and even less guaranteed self -learning.

The author has been invited to share Education in Singapore for some educational institutions. Some well -known family education experts exclaimed after hearing: I did not expect those "educating people" education that were originally undertaken by the family, and in Singapore, the basic school basic education was included in Singapore.middle!

The basic education of Singapore may be the lack of losses that the educational content that should be undertaken by the family will be included in the basic education of the system, so that the education that is lived in the lifeSilent, and the school's citizen quality and moral education education further strengthened this content.Of course, even so, it is not enough to replace family education, but at least the children who can not qualify those family education can have the opportunity to make up for this lesson.This is not only the essence and responsibility of education, but also to make up for the lack of family education.This is the value seen from Singapore's basic education, which is inspired.

Here, I think of a sentence in medical human education: As a doctor, if you don't know how to communicate with the patient, then what you know is not important.If this suit is used in Singapore's basic education: If you can't even do one person, then it is not important to do what you can do well.This may be the original intention of Singapore's education, and this original intention is exactly the educational concept of the cultivation of character cultivation of traditional Chinese culture and maintains a high degree of consistency.It is for the rough tube of the layman.

The author is the Dean of the International College of the International College of Singapore Ruiyi Medical and Education Management