Beijing seems to be interested in participating in the next peaceful conference held in Saudi Arabia. In order to invite the influence of Russia to enhance the influence of the meeting, Saudi Arabia did not sign a joint statement in Switzerland to express a neutral position.The United States and European military aid support Ukraine to resist Russia, but gradually loses the arbitration capabilities of all parties. European security affairs eventually need non -European and American countries.

92 countries, a statement, hopes to bring peace.The Ukraine Peace Summit was held in Switzerland, and nearly half of the world's participation. After the meeting, the joint statement promised to respect Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in addition to emphasizing food security, control of nuclear power plants, and the release of prisoners of war.Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, this is the fifth peace conference. Ukraine, which is in trouble in the battlefield, expects to make a breakthrough in diplomacy and strive for "fair peace".From the participation of many national leaders, it seems to take a small step.

However, the statement is almost always talked about. Compared with the United Nations resolution supported by 141 countries in February 2023, it has taken a step back, and the "Russian withdrawal" requirement is missing.The conference hall of the Swiss luxury resort is full of participants, but the absence is even more noticeable.U.S. President Biden went to Switzerland after attending the Seventh National Group (G7) summit in Italy, and only sent Vice President Harris to the meeting.China also declined to attend, and Ukraine President Zelezki even accused Beijing of discuss some countries before the meeting.

The most wondering is that Russia is not invited as a party.At the time of Zhanyun, the Holy See continued to run for peace, and the Secretary of State of Parololing, who attended the meeting as an observer, said: "Peace requires the construction of both parties to be constructed together.Must be very careful.Prior to the opening of the meeting, Russian President Putin proposed his peace plan: Ukraine cut the territory, maintain neutrality forever, and canceled sanctions against Russia in the West.In other words, what he wants is the surrender of Ukraine, and he is currently inadvertently attending the negotiating table.

Ukraine hopes to draw more non -Western countries to pressure Russia at the Peak Summit, but the leaders of the United States and China are absent.Instead, the predicament of Ukraine also shows that the open multilateral meeting is not the best way to promote peace.The final statement of when, how, how, and whether to promote the Russian and Ukraine negotiations.

Failure of peace talks

At the end of February 2022, although the war was in full swing, Russia and Ukraine once sat on the negotiating table. Russia initially proposed that Ukraine must cut strict conditions for territory, but with the heroic resistance of Ukraine, the Russian army vulnerable, Putin's attitude gradually softened.When the two parties were negotiated in Turkey in April that year, the agreement was drafted, including Ukraine to maintain neutrality and not to join NATO, but they could join the EU; Ukraine's disarmament and education to reduce education to Russia.

The two sides have no dispute over some details, such as the ownership of the territory occupied by Russia, the ceasefire process, the number of tanks, the number of tanks, and the range of missiles that Ukraine can be kept., France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Israel, and Turkey, as a guarantee country, if they are attacked by Russia again, they must be rescued.It is contradictory that Russia is also among the guarantor, and has rejuvenated, so that the guarantee mechanism is the same.

The problem is that Ukraine did not discuss the guarantee mechanism with the Western allies in advance, and the United States is worried that it must play directly with Russia under this guarantee mechanism.With Western military assistance, Ukraine believed that it could defeat Russia at the time, and after the exposure of the Buzha Massacre in Russia in Kiev, Russia also made the peace talks more difficult.The two countries have almost broken the channels that directly communicate.The United States has also questioned that the motivation for Russia to negotiate is to win the time for reorganization.

Ukraine was a nuclear military country in the world after the United States and Russia. After the Cold War ended, in 1994, it signed a memorandum in Budapest to terminate the nuclear arsenal in exchange for the security guarantee of the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia.However, in the details, when Ukraine was attacked, the memo only regulated that these guarantee countries must hold a meeting at the United Nations Security Council and have no obligation to intervene.At that time, French President Mitterlang warned Ukraine President Kurchima: "You will be played, if it wasn't for this side, it is the other side."

Non -Western countries serve as medium

Russia and Ukraine should be negotiated peacefully. The most important thing is trust, and the most scarce is trust.In 2014, Russia swallowed Crimea and penetrated into Donedsk and Lugusk in Wudong to eat whale.Merkel, who was the German Prime Minister at the time, formed the mediation of Russia and Ukraine for two ceasefire agreements, but Both Minskichi and Minsk II in the capital of the White Ross quickly broke the situation.Whenever the bombing occurred, Russia and Ukraine blamed each other. Ukraine accused Russia accusing Russia using suspension to encourage the Udong rebels to seize the town, while Russia accused Ukraine accusing Ukraine that it failed to give Donetsk and Lugusk autonomy.The trust between Russia and Ukraine has disappeared, and they are hostile to each other. Merkel is in a dilemma, facing the criticism of the two parties.

Russia and Ukraine's fire have been extended for more than two years. The relationship between the two countries is like a fire and fire. The international leaders avoided the mediation, and the failure of the peace talks would lose their reputation.Pope Fang Ji continued to advocate peace, but Ukraine believed that he was too close to Russia. After seeing the Pope last year, Zelei said, "We don't need to mediate."

Russia is difficult to accept Western countries with Ukrainian allies as medium.After the Switzerland's summit was over, Zelei said softly. "We have never said that China is an enemy. We hope that China is a friend of Ukraine to help us affect Russia."China's refusal to participate in the Peace Summit hosted by Switzerland may be that Switzerland, which is a neutral country, is still not neutral enough in the war and tend to the West.

With the extension of the war, the influence of Ukraine and the United States behind Russia is getting more and more obvious, and the two strong consensus must be required.Beijing seems to be interested in participating in the Peace Conference in Gada, Saudi Arabia in 2023, and participate in the next peaceful conference held in Saudi Arabia.In order to invite the influence of Russia to enhance the meeting, Saudi Arabia did not sign a joint statement in Switzerland to express a neutral position.The US and European military supports Ukraine to resist Russia, but gradually loses the arbitration capacity of all parties above all parties. European security affairs ultimately need to be a non -European and American countries, indicating that the international power sky changes.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy