The Singapore government has recently announced that it is planned to build a "Long Island" in the east coast waters to protect the low -lying areas of the coast, but some public feels that the name is difficult to resonate.Vice Premier Wang Ruijie said that this is just a "work name" rather than the final finalized case. In the future, a competition may be held for "Long Island" for a good name.

More than 500 students, residents of the east coast, and young people who are concerned about environmental topics participated in a climate change and environment dialogue on Saturday (February 3). The guest is Wang Ruijie.

East Coast resident Chen Qingjin (61 years old, businessman) asked questions that "Long Island" first reminds people of cocktails and Long Island in New York, USA. This name is strange to Singaporeans and lack of lack of lackLocal colors.

Discussion, Zhou Xianglong, an associate professor of the General Academy of Singaporean University of Management University, who grew up in Belo, said with a smile: "I also think Long Island is a clumsy name. I personally want it to be called 'New East Coast'."

Wang Ruijie: Long Island should quote the resonance name

This is also Wang Ruijie, who is also the Minister of Economic Policy and Wang Ruijie, who is a consultant to the East Coast.Singaporeans vote. "

After he accepted the Lianhe Zaobao interview, he added that Long Island should take a name that can resonate with people, such as how Singapore responded to climate change from the name, or how Singaporeans actively guard the future.

According to the preliminary concept announced by the Urban Reconstruction Bureau last November, Long Island will consist of three reclamation land, and it will be lined up to form a "island chain".kilometer.

The theme of the above dialogue focuses on how to turn the content of the dialogue into action to make Singapore truly a city in nature.

Wang Ruijie pointed out that he observed that since the government announced the promotion of the Governor's Plan, the awareness of the east coast residents has increased its awareness of the rising sea level.He believes that to support this long -term plan, what is important is that climate change cannot be regarded as abstract theoretical topics.People must know how to cherish nature and cherish the sea in order to have a deeper understanding of the problem.

Some participants questioned and asked the government how many forests would be cut off in order to build a house.

In this regard, Wang Ruijie replied: "It is impossible to ensure that every inch of land in Singapore can retain the original appearance, otherwise it will not be able to develop any development. If some land must be used, we will take protective measures and try not to cut the primitive forests as much as possible."

The dialogue was co -organized by the East Coast Grassroots Organization and the Urban Development (CDL) of the Real Estate Group, and was chaired by Yan Jiehui, chief of urban development.