Huang Zuyao has been committed to supporting the career of people over the years, and educators he have contacted with him have felt his concern for education.Even if he is old, he still hosted the school director meeting to pay attention to the development of the school and support campus activities.

Huang Zuyao, who is also chairman of the Chiang Kai -shek's board of directors, hosted a promotional ceremony for the statue of the "Chiang Kai -shek" at Nanyang Junior College in November 2021, and donated 200,000 yuan to the Nan Chu to set up a Chiang Kai -shek scholarship.There are outstanding students in the fields of services.

Zhongzheng Middle School (General Academy), Zhongzheng Middle School (Yishun), and Nanyang Junior College now have a statue of "Zhongzheng people", symbolizing the three schools of the three schools.

Liu Junming, who served as the principal of Nanchu from 2017 to 2023, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Huang Zuyao went to the Nanchu Campus to host the "Zhongzheng" statue promotion ceremony. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to the school and education.He also communicated with some students at the time to encourage students as seniors."In the past two years, Nangchu has issued 20 Zhongzheng scholarships, supporting students from different backgrounds to play the director and give back to the society. Chairman Huang's generous donation and support for the school over the years can allow students to grow in a good learning environment to grow."

Yao Zhixuan, the principal of Zhongzheng Middle School (General Academy), also said that Huang Zuyao was enthusiastic about education and generously solved the school's facilities.When he presides over the school director meeting, he will pay attention to the progress of school projects, students' comprehensive education, and whether school facilities have improved."The renovation project of the school's auditorium also depends on the support of Chairman Huang. Chairman Huang's contribution made by Zhongzheng to cultivate students from all ages, and we will always remember it."

Student leaders of the Chung Kyo School will be hanging on behalf of the students on behalf of the students, and all teachers and students will also mourn for the chairman's death for a minute when the class starts on Monday.

Huang Zuyao served as the chairman of the Nanyang University Council from 1970 to 1980, and in 2004, he was honorary vice president of the Nanyang University of Technology (referred to as Nanda) in 2004.

Professor He Dehua, President of Nanda University, said in a letter sending to the Nanda community on Saturday (February 3) that Huang Zuyao was a successful banker, entrepreneur and community leader, and vigorously advocated education, charity and community services.

He mentioned that Huang Zuyao and Nanda have deep roots.Over the years, Huang Zuyao, Huang's Fund and Dahua Bank donated 16 million yuan to NTU to support education and advance research to provide financial assistance to students from vulnerable backgrounds and cultivate future leaders.

Some contributions made by Huang Zuyao to NTU include the establishment of the Huang's Fund's Student Fund to help students with financial difficulties, as well as the establishment of a professor of the Bank of Dahua Bank and Huang Zuyao's master's degree scholarship.

With the 80th anniversary of its establishment, the Bank of China established the "Huang Zuyao Future Leadership Award" in 2015. This educational fund will provide scholarships with a total value of 50 million yuan for students from Singapore National University and Nanyang University of Technology from poor families.

In order to affirm Huang Zuyao's outstanding contribution to NTU and the community, he awarded his doctorate in honor in 2014.

He Dehua said that NTU expressed his condolences to Huang Zuyao's death."Those who have the opportunity to work with him (Huang Zuyao) remember that he is generous, always willing to listen to the ideas of young people and provide them with suggestions."

"Dr. Huang's spirit will continue to be passed on through the people inspired by him and outside of NTU."