The World Newspaper Industry Cindica website published on February 1st entitled the great and declining articles in the United States.Article excerpts as follows:

If Donald Trump wins in November and returns to the White House, this year may be a turning point in American strength.Since the colonial era, Americans have been lingering to the decline of decline.

When most Americans think that the United States is falling into decline, Trump claims that he can "make the United States great again."But Trump's premise is completely wrong. It is the remedy he proposed to the greatest threat to the United States.

Americans have long worries about decline.Shortly after the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay colony in the 17th century, some Puritans lamented that they had lost their previous advantages.In the 18th century, the founding of the United States considers how to make this new country's country.In the 19th century, (British writer) Charles Dickens pointed out that if the Americans believe it, their country "is always sluggish, always stagnant, and is always in a worrying crisis."On the cover of the decline of the country in 1979, a tear was fell on the cheek of the statue of Liberty.

The feeling of decline touches the sensitive nerves of American politics, making it a reliable material for party politics.Sometimes the anxiety of recession will lead to the protectionist policy that is greater than the benefits.Sometimes, the arrogant period of arrogance can lead to excessive expansion policies, such as the Iraq war.There is no benefit of underestimating or exaggerating the strength of the United States.

As for geopolitics, it is important to distinguish absolute decline and relative decline.Relatively speaking, the United States has been declining since the end of World War II.It can no longer occupy half of the world economy, nor can it monopolize nuclear weapons alone.World War II strengthened the US economy and weakened the economy of other countries.But with the recovery of other parts of the world, by 1970, the United States accounted for one -third of the global GDP.

Today, China's rise is often used as evidence of the decline in the United States.From the perspective of the relationship between China and the United States, there is indeed a change in China, which can be regarded as relatively declining in the United States.But in an absolute sense, the United States still has stronger strength and is likely to continue.

Americans should worry about the rise of domestic populism than China's rise.Popularism will seriously damage the soft power of the United States.

If the Americans are about to be confused by the hysterical mood or "high", the United States may break the cards.In the end, this sense of recession may be proven to be right.

Even if its external strength is still dominant, a country may lose its internal advantages and attractiveness to other countries.The Roman Empire existed for a long time after losing the republic.American democracy is becoming more polarized and fragile.In this sense, this development trend may lead to the decline of the United States.(Compiled/Liu Zongya)