The Foreign Interferences (Countermeasures) Act, which is adopted in October 2021, aims to resist foreign forces through hostile information or interfere with the internal affairs of Singapore through hostile information.

This decree is divided into two parts, and the provisions of hostile information are effective on July 7, 2022; the provisions involving local agents will take effect on December 29, 2023.

According to the law, in order to avoid being manipulated by anyone or organization, and becoming a local agent who intervenes in the internal affairs of Singapore, the official lists people who directly participate in Singapore politics as "politically influential".And control.

Who is a political influence?

The automatic inclusion includes Political Party, Government Officer, Parliament, Political Party Committee, and Election Candidates and their campaign agents.

In addition, the two organizations of political groups in the Political Donation Law are also automatically listed as "political influences."They are the Citizen Organization of the Singapore Working Group (Maruah) and the "Think Center" on the political group.

The law also authorizes the "official official" appointed by the Minister of the Interior, including senior civil servants of the Ministry of the Interior, to make other individuals or organizations related to foreign politics or legislative agencies in Singapore.Influential.

What are the control measures?

1. Individuals listed as "political influence" must declare whether they have obtained immigration benefits given by foreign governments, such as honorary citizens and permanent residence rights.

Second, the amount received by the disclosure of 10,000 yuan or more.

Third, if a political influence is a citizen of Singapore, it must disclose the relationship with foreign politics or legislative agencies.

Fourth, the supervisor can issue instructions, requiring newspapers, radio media, or publishing political influences related to political content with Singapore, and the identity of foreign creators and clients of related articles and programs.

Is this decree traceable, do you have to declare what happened before the law occurred?

For those with political influence, except for election candidates and campaign agents, they only need to apply for information after December 29 last year, or after the law entered into force, or after being listed as a political influence.

For example, Jia was listed as a political influence in January this year. He was a member of a foreign party, but he had retired from the party five years ago. Therefore, he did not have to apply for relevant information.

Are all those related to foreign politics or legislative agencies need to automatically declare to the official?

FICA section 79 stipulates that all Singapore citizens who are currently foreign politics or legislators must declare to the official.However, this does not mean that they will definitely be listed as a political influence.

What are the consequences of those who have political influence not to declare within the time limit?

The political donation obtained within the time limit can be fined up to 5,000 yuan. If you continue to violate the law after conviction, you can add a maximum of 500 yuan per day.

No overseas political relations are disclosed on time, and it can also be fined up to 5,000 yuan. If you continue to violate the law after conviction, you can add a maximum of 200 yuan per day.