Outstanding media people are in any time. Even if they frequently win international awards, they are rarely "sealed".

The Queen of Hong Kong Drama News includes eight awards at the award ceremony of the TVB, including the best episodes and the best actress, and Hong Kong audiences' love for this episode is evident.Even the media described that the news queen MAN played by Shiman "Performance, even the eyebrows".

As a journalist, how do I look at this episode is a question of many friends.My answer is: The heroine is indeed exquisite acting, but the plot is too dramatic, and the gap with reality is very large.

I believe that many readers have not seen the episode. I do n’t have a good spoiler here, so I only talk about some post -viewing feelings.

First of all, I think the use of the term "Queen of the News" needs to be discussed.Although there are many people in the excellent media people, even if they have won international awards frequently, they are rarely "sealed".It is not difficult to understand the reason: news has always been collective homework, and it is difficult to "support" the whole day by one person.

What do you say?The reporter interviewed, and the editor uploaded to different platforms for the Internet, photos, or videos, and other platforms. Regardless of traditional media such as newspapers or television, it is collective operations.A reporter can catch up with exclusive news, but the presentation of the news requires the setting of photos and other visual elements; graphic news must have a special person to play an attractive title, and TV news must have a wonderful editing;How many news can be in the time of the version, TV, or radio news, how much can there be, these are by no means a matter of one person.

To be honest, a report is reported, and the reporter often needs to gain the trust of the boss. The boss must affirm the value of the news in order to win the appropriate part or broadcast period.In other words, if the boss is based on various reasons, the news that reporters are working hard are worthy of reporting, or if they are worried about the perception of the street after the streets, they will be wrapped in.Value or influence.

If you can't let the news on the street no matter what ways, the reporter may have to look forward to the opportunity to appreciate the news, and it will not deliberately make the company's unwilling news content like the characters in the play.Media use.

Even if he finally torn his face with the company, the reporter estimated that he could only sigh that it was different from the company's philosophy, and even thought, instead of letting others use the news content, and left behind the original post.

In addition to his own efforts and the support of your boss, a reporter must in exchange for the trust of news characters and important news clues through the contacts of the people who have worked hard, and repeatedly confirm that the news he heard is correct.That is to say, good news depends on many people to complete, so how can it easily make the news content "start to die". Even if the spoof and the library lift are blank, can the "news queen" that newspaper news reports the news?

At present, the media around the world are lamenting that more and more people choose to avoid news. This is full of false information on the market.Don't want to contact some negative information that will make you even more unhappy.

Besides, people in many places believe that the information has been political, and the media is a favorable weapon used by those in power to attack their opponents, which has led people to avoid news.

This also shows why the media around the world are trying to understand the tastes and needs of the audience, and hope to please the audience with service -oriented news.In this way, whether it is a reader, audience or audience like consumers, many media provide content to help consumers solve problems through different forms or presentations.This can be a list of information on how to dredge the washbasin, or improve the parent -child relationship, or introduce good books that are convenient for reading during travel, and so on.

Many news practitioners always believe that only by providing good and useful information; only by making people believe that news is closely related to them, they can improve their lives through content can they reverse the trend of people to avoid news.

The author believes that only the content is the king. The role played by the news practitioners is to digest information, packaging, and then presenting; excavation of exclusive news or deep reporting reporters, based on professionalism, experience, and connections, as for the connections, etc.The audience reported some topics, phenomena or trends that they were not widely involved.